the Triwizard tournament

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We finally got to Hogwarts, the place that I can call home.

-skip to when you're in the great hall-

"now that we're settled in and sorted, I'd like to make an announcement, this castle will not only be you're home this year, but home to some very special guests as well, you see, Hogwarts has been chosen" Dumbledore starts but professor filch runs up and whispers something to him "so, Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event, the Triwizard tournament" he said and people gasp as they probably heard of this and knows what's gonna happen "and for those who do not know, the Triwizard tournament brings together 3 schools for a series of magical contests and for each school a single student is selected to compete, let me be clear, if chosen you stand Alone and trust me when I say these contests are not for the faint hearted, but more of that later and for now please join me in welcoming the lovely ladies of the Beauxbatons academy of magic" he announced and the big door creaked open, we all turned our heads "and the headmistress, madam Maxine" he added and we saw beautiful girls walk down the isle in blue.

once they got to the front of the hall blue birds came out of the clothes? how the hell and the two girls left danced their way to the front of the hall bowing, everybody clapped and cheered for the ladies, well mostly the boys cause we all know their already drooling over them "and now our friends from the north please greet the proud sons of Durmstrang and the high master Igor Karkroff (did I spell that right?) anyway we turned our heads to see boys in dark clothing marching down banging the sticks in their hands on the ground making sparks then they started running to the front doing all sorts of things and then we saw Victor Krum walking down with the high master, one dude at the front then blew fire making something I don't really know. Dumbledore had his arms out the High master, they hugged.

"the ministry has concluded that for the own safely no student under the age of 17 came should be aloud to put fourth their name for the Triwizard tournament, this decision is final" the dude said over the booing and people yelling at him "that's rubbish!" I heard Fred and George yell out "that's rubbish you don't know what you're doing" they added making me giggle "Silence!" Dumbledore yells making everyone go silent "the goblet of fire, anyone wishing to submit themselves to the tournament, write their name on a piece of parchment and throw it in the flame before this hour on Thursday night, do not do so likely, if chosen there's no turning back as from this moment the Triwizard tournament has begun" he explained to the school.

"Alastor moody, ministry malcontent and your new defense against the dark arts teacher, I'm here because Dumbledore asked me, end of story goodbye the end, any questions" moody said and the class fell silent, ho nodded "when I comes to the dark arts, I believe in a practical approach. first, which one of you can tell me how many unforgivable curses there are" he said and Hermione spoke up "three sir" she said and moody went to the board to write "and they are so named?" he asked "because they are unforgivable" she said but I didn't hear the rest because something got thrown at me, I looked back to see Louis smirking at me 'open it' he mouthed and I unwrapped the paper ball 'this class is so boring already' it said and I giggled under my breath I turned around to face him again and rolled my eyes, he chuckled and looked down at his desk fiddling with his fingers "now the minister says you're too young to see what these curses do, I say different" moody calls out "you need to know what you're up against, you need to be prepared, you need to find another place to put your chewing gum besides the other side of you desk Mr. Finnegan" he yelled and we turned our heads to face him, he was indeed putting his gum under his desk "the old codger can see at the back of his head" he said to get chalk thrown at him "I'm here across classrooms (don't come at me if that wasn't what he said, its what I heard) so which curse should we see first, Weasley" he calls and the boy in front of him stuttered "yes" he trembled "stand" moody demanded and Ron stood up slowly "give us a curse" moody said to him "well my dad did tell me about one" Ron said with his voice a little shaky "the imperious curse" he added and moody nodded "oh, oh yeah your father would know all about that" he said but I didn't hear the rest because another note got thrown at me, I looked inside and read 'never mind, this is not so boring after all' it said, I turned and looked at him and shook my head and he lifted his hands in the air in defeat, I giggled and payed attention again. and next thing you know a spider looking thing is going around the room going on people freaking them out, I laugh and next thing you know it's on my head, I freeze in place internally screaming, I hear Louis laugh behind me and the spider-like-thing then goes on him, I laugh my ass off seeing his face fall and him turn pale, Draco laughs a lot and I mean a lot "what are you laughing at" moody says at him and it goes on his face, he freaks out making everyone laugh at him, moody laughs with the class "talented isn't it, what did I ever do next, jump out the window, drown itself" he said and the class goes silent.

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