Third task

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(some of this wont's make sense but please bear with me because it's Louis in this not Harry so I had to change a few things at the end and it might not make sense, I'm sorry)

-Normal POV- (you)

Music is playing and a large crowd is gathered. The champions emerged from their tent.

"Earlier today Professor Moody placed the tri-wizard cup deep within the maze. Only he knows its exact position. Now as Mr Diggory-" Dumbledore starts but get cuts off with people cheering, hearing his name.

"And Mr Partridge-" he continues but gets cut off with more people cheering Louis' name.

"Tied for first position they will be the first to enter the maze. Followed by Mr Krum-" he announces making the Durmstrang crowd go nuts.

"Then miss Delacour" he adds making the Beauxbatons girls clap and wave.

"The first person to touch the cup will be the winner of the grand prize. I've instructed the staff to patrol the perimeter. If at any point should a contestant wish to withdraw from the task, he or she need only send up red sparks with their wands. Contestants gather round." he says with a smile and forms a circle with the champions.

"What do you think he's telling them?" Millie whispers to me. I shrug and look at her.

"Probably explaining what their task is and what the rules are." I reply looking back at the huddle. I see Louis turn and look up at me. He then looks away and back to Dumbledore making me roll my eyes.

-Louis' POV-

"In the maze you'll find not dragons or creatures of the deep. Instead you'll face something even more challenging. You see, people change in the maze. Oh find the cup if you can, but be very weary you could just lose yourselves along the way." Dumbledore implies making me feel nervous butterflies in my stomach.

'Ive already lost myself though' I think to myself as he walks away from us.

"Champions! Prepare yourselves!" He yells, waving his hands in the air sending us to where each of us are meant to be. Cedric's father hugs him tightly and whispers something to a confident looking Cedric. I saw him nod his head before turning away to begin the last task.

"On the count of!-" he calls but The cannon goes off. Mr Filch shrugs comically. Dumbledore groans. and the band kids make music once again.

-3rd person POV-

Louis and Cedric enter the maze through their different entrances. Louis looks back as Professor Moody points to the direction. He looks ahead of him into the maze and looks back to see it closing up. The entrance fully closes up behind Louis with heavy mist setting in.

Louis starts traversing the maze, the noises of magical creatures were echoing through it.

Meanwhile with Cedric~

He marches through the maze when the walls begin to close in on him out of the blue making the boy panic. He makes a run for it while panting and grunting. While Victor strolled around seeming to have no emotion as Fleur is running around scared.she gets attacked and knocked down making Louis hear her screams. Viktor comes along and sees she's unconscious on the ground with vines pulling her into the maze walls, he walks on like it's nothing. Louis runs towards the scream and hides when he sees Victor approaching him and flash his wand towards his face. Victor doesn't do anything but walk away from him, Louis then turns the corner that Victor came through and sees Fleur being swallowed into the undergrowth

"Fleur?, Fleur!" he yells softly but he's too late, she's disappeared. He sends up a red spark into the air from his wand and within seconds, heavy wind starts blowing leaves everywhere with the walls closing in, Louis takes a run for it and trips over when he got out, Louis sees something shining in the distance and he moves closer seeing it is the Tri Wizard cup, Viktor tries to zap him but misses.

"Get down!" A voice calls out and Louis turns to see it was Cedric

Louis ducks and Viktor gets zapped by Cedric's spell . Cedric runs up and kicks the wand out of Viktor's hand. He points his wand at Viktor's body as if to finish him off, Louis runs up and intervenes.

"No don't, stop! He's bewitched Cedric" Louis implies stopping him from doing anything else

"Get off me!" Cedric yells pushing Louis off him

"He's bewitched!" Louis repeats himself struggling to keep on the ground with Cedric pushing him

The two of them begin running towards the cup pushing and pulling each other back trying to win. The undergrowth grabs Cedric and he falls to the ground. Louis looks back. Cedric is pinned down with no means of escape.

"Louis! Louis!" Cedric panics trying to break free, Louis zaps the plant-life and Cedric wriggles free with Louis helping him up off the ground

"You know for a moment there I thought you were gonna let it get me." Cedric sighs in relief

"For a moment so did I." Louis replies

"Some game huh?" Cedric jokes

"Some game." Louis nods. the wind starts blowing up again making then breathe heavily and run towards the cup with the walls closing in on them

"Go. Take it, you saved me!" Cedric insists pushing Louis towards the cup

"Together, on three. One, two, three!" Louis yells and they both grab the cup.

Louis and Cedric ported to a graveyard.

"You ok?" Cedric asks getting up from the ground

"Yeah, you?" Louis replies looking around and at Cedric

"Where are we?" Cedric asks also looking around

"this place feels familiar." Louis Confesses

"It's a port key. Louis the cup is a port key." Cedric says realising what's happened while looking at the cup

"this is what Harry described in h-his dream" whispers to himself, he looks at a large gravestone and his eyes widen looking at the name

tom riddle


"Cedric, we have to get back to the cup? Now!" Louis demands

"What are you talking about?" Cedric asks curiously

louis looks over and sees Wormtail walking with a baby-looking Voldemort in his arms

"What is it?" Cedric asks noticing Louis tensed up

"Get back to the cup!" Louis yells

"Who are you? What do you want?" Cedric yells holding up his wand

-Louis' POV-

"Kill the spare" Voldemort demands and Wormtail does so

"Avada kedavra" Wormtail calls out killing Cedric

"Cedric!" I yell out trying to get to him as he lays dead on the ground.

Wormtail then lifts me up with his wand and pushes me to the grave where the stone death-eater thingy holds me

"that's not harry! Barty Jr. got Partridge" Wormtail Realises

"please let me go" I choke out running out of breath

"he always messes up" Voldemort whispers to himself

"let him go" Voldemort demands and the stone Death eater thingy lets me go

"thank you father..."

A/n- I honestly had no idea this was gonna happen so if any of you predicted that then you are a wizard/witch anyway THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 3K!

I do love you//louis partridge+ female reader Where stories live. Discover now