please notice

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a/n- this is another one based on a song called please notice by Christian leave. sorry if you don't like these chapters based on songs I just think it gives you a better understanding of what Louis and Y/n think and stuff.

And baby when you sleep do you dream of me?

And when you're awake do you think of me?

Louis dreams about Y/n and himself mostly every night and he wonders if Y/n ever does the same, but it's not just when he is sleeping but also when he's awake, he thinks about her in class and in the fields, she is always on his mind

I need to know, how do you feel?

although Louis doesn't know what love is or how to love, Y/n does leaving her to always wonder if he feels the same way she does him.

'Cause baby when I sleep I dream of you

And when I'm awake that's all I do

like I said before, Y/n is on Louis' mind all day most days, whether he is sleeping or awake she's always on his mind, he has 100 thoughts and you are 99 of them.

Think about every detail you have

he likes to think about her being held by him in his arms, but he knows-thinks that won't happen, so he just thinks about her and the little details that people don't usually notice, like her ears and her hands, Louis loves Y/n's hands, he can just see how perfect his hands would fit with yours, and he just loves your ears because well...because he can.

Do you notice when I get mad I clench my jaw?

Do you notice when I get sad I tend to fall

all he wants is to know if she notices the things he does her, he wants to know if she knows he clenches his jaw while mad, or seems distant and lonely when he's sad. he just wants to know if you notice him

over my words I say to you

over his words now that seem to not care about you in anyway, he does, he does care and that's why he is doing it, he doesn't want to hurt you, and he knows by doing what he's doing will get you to hate him and then you can't get hurt by whatever he's hiding cause he knows, whatever he is keeping from everyone, it will hurt you to know what it is.

'Cause I notice when you get mad you close your eyes

And I notice when you are sad you let out sighs

he notices you when your get mad you close your eyes, and when you are sad you let out sighs, not wanting people to know, you don't mean to sigh but you just do, you can't control it, what I'm trying to say is that he notices everything, things people don't usually think about noticing in a person.

I need to know are those sighs ever over me?

he wants to know how he makes you feel, he wants to know if you get mad, happy or sad about, he wants to know if those sighs you let out when you're sad are about him, if he made you sad, if he is the reason you're sad, he just wants to know but he knows if he finds out he's the reason you're sad that it will crush him, because he doesn't want to make you upset.

Do you know how in love with you I am?

Do you see how in love with you I am?

Y/n on the other hand, she just wants to know if Louis knows about her feelings, she doesn't know that he doesn't love, she doesn't know that it's not his thing and that he doesn't know how to love, she thinks he knows about her feelings but decides to ignore them, but another part of her tells her that he doesn't know and he doesn't, he is an oblivious boy with an oblivious heart that he can't fix, and Y/n is just left with the broken pieces of him being a flirt without even knowing 'he's probably being nice' is what she thought every time but in all honesty, he doesn't even know he's flirting, and like Y/n, he thinks he's just being nice to her, but he can't do that anymore which leaves Y/n kinda happy about that part, her not having to worry about catching more feelings for him, she doesn't want to admit it but she does, but now she just wants to know if he knows and sees how in love she is with him.

Every thing that you do, it makes my heart stop

Oh, it stops

everything she does, whether it's to him or not makes his heart stop and it makes him a mess because he doesn't even know why, he doesn't know his own feelings which kills both him and Y/n. all he knows is that he dreams and thinks about her all the time.

And baby when you sleep do you dream of me?

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