Louis and Y/n

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"you will be toxic" Draco smirked at my confusion of what he had said only seconds before

-5 minutes prior-

"when can I leave and talk to Y/n again?" I asked Draco missing even the thought of her

"well that depends on- wait...maybe that's not a bad idea" He remarks

"I can! really?" I cheered softly

"yeah, but you wont be nice" He says raising his eyebrows then lowering them just after

"what?" I say in confusion

"you will be toxic" he smirks


"and what if I'm not" I grin sneakily crossing my arms

"I guess then the secret comes out and well he wont be happy with that, will he?" He pouts

"fine" I groan making him smile in victory

-Author's POV-

She was the girl. Who never put her body on display. Her hair was always put in a loose bun. Her lips sealed shut.

He was the guy who laughed loudly at the front of the class. His hair fell perfectly on his sculpted face. His humour being rude and sarcastic.

Now, darling. This is no love Story. You'd expect them to be polar opposites. but the fresh cuts on their wrists forbid me to assume that.

-Y/n POV-

I don't want to be loved by the hero. But by the villain.

I want someone to sacrifice the world just so we can sit on the throne together.

I want someone to love me like Lucifer loved Lilith and how he fell from heaven just for her.

Because everyone hates the villains. But they have loved, like the heroes never could.


You're a monster in disguise.

Used to be so kind.

You cared, and you loved.

But now you're evil, Killing me from the inside,

And acting like you have no idea.

I'll hold you through your darkest times. I'll be there when no one else is. I'll take care of you when you can't take care of yourself. But could you at least act like you would do the same?

I want someone to kiss me sober.

I want someone to wipe my tears away.

I want someone to hold me like there is no tomorrow.

but not just someone... just you

I've waited so long for someone to love me as much as you do.

I've waited For someone to care. To hold me. And tell me I'm their only.

But I can't have you right now, so I'll wait again.

I won't complain. I won't throw a fit. Because in the end. It will be worth the wait.

You taught me how to love. But I wish she never did because you also told me how to heartbreak.

I don't remember falling in love with you. I just remember one day watching your smile engulf your face. Your eyes staring right back into mine. Your son ever so slightly grazing mine. I remember your laugh, leaving echoes in my head and in that moment, I realised how much it would fucking hurt. To never experience you again.

everyone says I should hate you, but you're all I want.

you are my music, and my love, so why does loving you need to be so hard, I've thought all my time thinking about that, I did kinda once hate you but, never once did I plan on taking a liking towards you.

I really love you, don't I?

And what a shame that is.

Sometimes I wonder if you know. I wonder if you know the way you have me wrapped around your finger. I wonder if you know that my heart and soul wants nothing, and no one but you.

I want you so bad. I truly do. I want to hear your morning voice. I wanna hear your laugh I wanna see you at your vulnerable moments. I wanna see. All of you. The real you. I love you. And I hate it. Because I shouldnt.

-Louis' POV-

I watch you sleep as your breathing Studies. This is how I like you the most,

Calm and sweet. Comforting even,

But I know that when you wake up, you won't be,

As you will yell and be rude, While I pray for you to just go back to bed.


I'm sorry that I hate seeing you happy. But you never seemed that happy with me.

I'm sorry that I always wanna hang out. I've just gotten so addicted to you.

I'm sorry that I annoy you, we just be so close.

And I'm sorry that I'm not enough. 'cause I know you wish I was.

All I want is you. I want you on your bad and on your good days. I want to roll over to the side of the bed and see your face. I want to be out at the Eiffel Tower on a foggy morning. I wanna make you food in our beautiful bright white kitchen. I want you. But I can't.

I'm not usually like this. I don't depend on others. I don't need anyone to stay I don't let myself feel Vulnerable. I have boundaries because I know people lie and change their minds and leave. I'm cautious, careful analytical. But not this. With you I'm completely naked. You told down every bowl I had put up, and now I've grown attached to the idea of having you around and it kills me to know someone could have so much power over me.

I never believed in love. Because of what I went through in my past. But then I met you and you opened my eyes to a whole other world, you showed me how to feel loved, you showed me that everything in the world just ceases and stops whenever it's just you and me. I always asked myself how can a beautiful and wonderful soul like yours ever like a heart like mine? And I'm so incredibly grateful that I met you.

-Author's POV-

His breath was Minty and his smile was clean.

His voice was sharp and his hair was soft.

he was perfect, so damn perfect. Maybe too perfect?

Too perfect that she couldnt see what was coming at her, she was blind to think that he would leave her, leave her to one of the people she hates, they were inseparable, but now there detached.


when two people fall in love and make eye contact, their heart beat synchronizes, leaving her to wonder if secretly his heart beats at the same speed as hers, as they make eye contact in the hallways.

Louis' whole life, he's put up walls, unbreakable walls, and he was the only one that could bring them down, he's never brought them down for anyone, but for you, he would, hell, he'll even break them.

-Y/n's POV-

I love you, but I shouldn't

-Louis' POV-

I love you, but I can't

I do love you//louis partridge+ female reader Where stories live. Discover now