fucking boggart

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-Normal POV-

I try running after him, but I don't know where he went. I pull on my hair in frustration he couldn't've gone far I think to myself, where would Louis, go, if I was Louis, where would I go? I ask myself, I stay in my thoughts for a while thinking of the possible places, Gryffindor common room? no, his dorm? wait, that's the same thing, the quidditch pitch? maybe, just maybe, I run there in the possibility that he might be there, the place where we have met many times, it never ended well there.

I get to the pitch, running to the middle looking around to see if he's hiding, I sigh realising he's not here, where the heck could he be? the next thing you know the sky turns grey with dark clouds with then rain pouring down on my once dry warm body, turning cold to the touch, I close my eyes tightly wrapping myself for warmth, I let tears fall from my eyes at the thought, why, why, why, why, I scream at the tom of my lungs in pain, not physical, mental. what happened? where the fuck could he possible be? the astronomy tower- yes!

I start running without a second thought, I need to find him, I need to see him, I run across the bridge, pushing past people traying to get back to the castle for dryness, the rain has gotten worse, pouring down soaking everyone in less then 2 seconds who comes in contact with it, I run up the spiral stairs, dodging the people in my way, I check the first floor of the tower, no one, I run faster up the next lot of stairs holding onto the railing, no one, so I run faster up the next level, leading to the roof, I get to the top of the stairs, busting the door open to see Louis leaning on the wall huddled in a ball shaking, I slowly walk closer, my heart beating from running a bloody fucking marathon

"Louis" I say over the rain, he seems to hear over all the rain and starting thunder, he looks up and pushes himself up off from the floor, looking a little frightened, I take a step forward, going closer to him, its dark but I can still see his tear stained face with new ones falling down his face, he's soaked in rain, his body shivering at how cold it is, I walk to him slowly making sure to not make him freak, his lips quiver he looks down

"Louis, what did you do? what do I know, what did I know, Fuck, what will I know in the future? tell me why? you can't ignore the fact I saw it all" I tell him, making it loud enough for him to hear, he looks up to meet my eyes, his face all red and his eyes kinda puffy, he ignores my comment and stares at me in a way I don't know

"LOUIS! are you listening to me-" I say but he leaps towards me, pulling me onto his lips, he hold me close to his body, one arm wrapped around my waist the other resting on my cheek, he rubs my ear with his thumb as he moves him lips on mine, rain pouring more than ever till I can't even keep my eyes open, I melt into his kiss and start to kiss him back enjoying the warmth from our both cold bodies, it was a wet kiss, from the rain and the tears, buts it was still a good one though. why am I thinking this? he is a really good kisser oh jeez, before I attached I pull away, pushing him off me oh but god, those lips, I couldn't help myself, I smash my lips on his, locking lips and 'swapping spit' as Ron would say once again feeling him smile slightly against my lips, I wrap my arms around his neck pulling him closer, he leans down a little because of my height, I'm only a little shorter than him but still, he lifts me up and wraps my legs around his torso still with locked lips, he pulls away and squints his eyes getting rain in his eyes, I put my hand in his wet hair, messing and playing with it a little as he looks at me in the eyes, he shakes his head slowly and looks down.

-Louis' POV-

I lean down a little to make the kiss deeper, I lift her up and wrap her legs around my torso still with locked lips feeling the warmth coming from her. I pull away and squint my eyes getting rain in them, she puts her hands in my wet hair, I shouldn't've done this, it fells so right, but it can't happen, I shouldn't be doing this, he's not gonna like this. she messes and plays with it a little as I look at her in the eyes, I shake my head slowly and look down to the ground, regretting this horribly.

-Normal POV-

"I'm sorry" He yells over the thunder

"yeah" I yell back

"but that doesn't answer my question, what will I know, and what did you do, what did he do?" I question, he looks at me bluntly and puts me down, he grabs my hand and pulls me to the stairs walking and pulling me with him at a normal pace

"I can't tell you" he says walking own

"and why not? I suggest you tell me before that boggart actually happe-" I roll my eyes

"that's not gonna happen, I won't let that happen, and I'm NOT telling you, that will just end up in the boggart" he tells me sternly

"really? cause I remember her- me? saying you and he doing something cause you didn't tell me this...thing" I snap at him

"I don't really wanna fight with you right now, I'm not telling you cause if I do, you'll hate me" he states sadly

"wanna bet? I think I'll hate you more if you don't tell me, you 'know if I end up like that boggart" I fight

"WHO CARES ABOUT THE BOGGART, IT'S A FUCKING LIE, YOU'RE NOT GONNA END UP LIKE THAT IF I TELL YOU ABOUT HIM" he yells at me, stopping his walk, I flinch and push past him, running down the stairs hearing him follow me, I knew this was gonna happen, him ending up yelling at me because of his own actions, he always finds a way to blame it on me, AND EVEN AFTER HE KISSED ME! god, stupid, emotional, obsessive little me, I can be so stupid sometimes,

"Y/n! come on, come back, I'm sorry I love you!" he yells

"no you fucking don't Partridge, if you love me you'll fucking tell me what you've done, and you can't yell at me after fucking kissing me what is wrong with you you fucking two faced bitch, I hate you, do you hear me? I. hate. you! Jesus if that actually is me soon fuck you for letting that happen, you can see me suffer with something you did but don't do anything? that's not you fucking loving me that's you being exactly like Draco!, and there is no one I hate more then him, but you may of taken that title. Louis, if you love me fucking show it to me, not hide away being friends with fucking Draco. I want the old Louis back, the one where I first met you. show me" I rant on to him, he cries infront of me looking down

"you're not getting him back" he whispers to me hesitantly, I scoff and shed a tear

"obviously. you can't say you love me if all you do is this bullshit Partridge, you don't fucking love me" I say disappointedly, I shake my head and walk down to spiral stairs ignoring his loud sobs and sniffles

this is all because of a fucking boggart

a/n- unlike the last one, I do not really like this, but it's fine. LOVE YOU ALL

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