Malfoy Manner

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"ok this is too dangerous for you two to come along in there but you need to help us" Hermione states as we all walk down the street

"I agree, I'm not going down there" Enzo shakes his head nervously

"ok, here she comes, you two, stand there and do something that's not suspicious" Harry Instructed as Hermione went through the door. I nodded my head and continued walking in the opposite direction of Ron with Enzo right beside me. I stop walking and tuned to him, pretending to fix is coat that was laid on his body and heard the lady they trio were waiting for, Me and Enzo looked at eachother and followed after Ron inside who took the lady's legs and carried her unconscious body in.

"right. remember what we said. don't speak to anyone unless absolutely necessary," Hermione starts, handing a vile to Harry

"just...try and act normal, do what every body else is doing. it we do that then with a bit of luck we'll get inside" she explains

"and then...-"

"then it gets really tricky" Harry finishes her sentence

"correct" she says, standing in between the two boys

"this is completely mental" Harry looks down at the people they put unconscious

"completely" I agree standing beside them

"the world's mental" Ron nods

"come on, we got a horcrux to find he finished

"you two. go home, stay safe and this never happened. we'll get in contact with you if we need it" Hermione smiles at Enzo and I. I nod my head and we walk out of the door, walking a couple meters behind the three and then split n the opposite direction, heading to Lorenzo's house.

"do you know why they even needed us?" he asks me

"not a clue" I laugh, shaking my head.


"hello beautiful" a man that was leaned against a tree says looking at Hermione and I. the trio asked me and Enzo to come to them to help destroy a horcrux and now we're here. with grown men popped out of no where.

"well don't hang about. snatch 'em" the man that called us beautiful instructs the others as we begin running away from them

"come on!" Enzo yells at me and grips my arm, leading me somewhere, escaping the men chasing us.

"stupefy" I look back at missed them


"what happened to you ugly?" the man, I assume the 'leader' questions Harry, pointing out what Hermione did. both Harry and the man holding him look over

"no, not you" he points to the man that looks like a wolf

"what's your name?"

"Dudley. Vernon Dudley" Harry gulps

"check it" the 'leader' took a step forward

"and you, my lovelies' he walks towards me and Hermione

"what do they call you?" he looks at Hermione

"Penelope Clearwater. half blood" Hermione replies before he touches her cheek

"you?" he says looking at me


"-there's no Vernon Dudley on here" a man cut me off making the man talking to me look and walk away from us


"Y/n?" I hear a whisper but I ignored it, I already know it was Louis.

"well?" Bellatrix smiles, clutching onto Harry's hair and pulling his head back while looking at Draco and Louis

"...I can't be sure" Draco replies and his father walks up to him and whispered something

"now we won't forget who actually caught him, I hope. Mr. Malfoy" the 'leader' walks away from Ron and Hermione who were in another set of hands from Enzo and I.

"dare you talk to me like that in my own house!" Mr. Malfoy yells with I assume his wife there to calm him down and pull him away from Draco

"don't be shy sweeties, come over" Bellatrix grabs Louis' and Draco's hands, pulling them closer to Harry. then pulled them down the kneel and said something I couldn't really hear

"what's wrong with his face?" Draco asks

"yes. what IS wrong with his face" Bellatrix repeats

"he came to us like that, something he picked up in the forest I reckon"

"ran into stinging jinx" she mumbles

"was it you two?" Bellatrix points to Hermione and Ron

"give me her wand, let's see what her last spell was" she walks up to them

"hahaha got you" she laughs evilly

"why is the Lords son in your hands, wasn't he just th-" she looks over at me and Enzo, noticing their same looks

"have I spotted twins?! hahaha" she laughs, looking over and Louis

"wait, twins!"

"...and you... you're a Tozier. friends with your mum I was. until she married a Gryffindor that was, it was a shame." she came closer to me

"oh but you wouldn't do that, would you. you wouldn't marry one of those" she whispered

"No" I gulp


"because...they think they're the best, that everyone else is bellow them." I look forward trying not to stutter

"that's right" she nods with an eerie laugh


"put the boys in the cellar!" Bellatrix yelled and Mrs. Malfoy dragged Harry and Ron

"and you, you are on the no-harm list according to Partridge" she yells looking at me from infront of Hermione

"I want to have a conversation with this one, girl! to girl!" she says getting infront of Hermione's face

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