'I know'

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-Louis' POV-

after the....encounter that happened with Y/n I ran happily to my room in the Gryffindor common room

"YESSSSS!" I yell jumping up and down throwing my hand up in the air

"oh wait..." I mumble to myself and run out of my room and downstairs out of the common room past all the people

-Normal POV-

I walked to the tree where I usually sit at to get some peace and quiet, I scroll through my phone, snapping people and replying to peoples messages, I go onto tiktok and scroll for awhile when I get text message, I open it and it's from Louis


L:where are you right now?

Y: Somewhere, why do you want to know? 😏

L: Oh come on, don't be like that, where are you, pleaseee

Y: Way to ruin the fun lou, I'm by the tree

L: Oh yeah cause that helps😒

Y: Hey! You wanted to know where I was

L: Y/n/n there are so many trees

Y: There is😊 guess we'll never know which one though🤷‍♀️

L: I hate you😒

Y: Yep👍 keep telling yourself that

L: Ay, says the one who kissed me😏

Y: Says the one who enjoyed it👉👌

L: Y/n!

Y: I'm not telling you where I am now

L: What! Your the one that said- never mind

Y:😊 bye now

L: wait no read at 2:32pm

I smile to myself and think about what he might want and why he wants to know where I am

-Louis' POV-

I put away my phone and smile to myself thinking about Y/n, I laugh it out and continue to try and find her again, I go to all of the tree's but give up and walk around thinking about her kissing me again, well the first time we kissed it was an accident but she actually kissed me, not on accident

"so you just gave up on me huh?" I hear a voice call, I turn and look around but there was so many people here I have no idea who it was, oh wait it probably wasn't aimed towards me, oop

"and now you ignore me? wowww" the voice calls again and hands cover my eyes so I can't see

"guess who?" they whisper

"I don't know, Millie?" I reply shrugging

"No" they say giggling

"Y/n!" I say as it made sense

"yesss" she says taking off her hands and capping, I turn around to face her and smile when I see her

"I looked everywhere for you, where were you?!" I say wrapping my hands around her waist, she scrunches her nose and giggles

"I've been just there, by the tree" she says in a 'duh' tone, I roll my eyes and take her hand and begun to walk

"so why were you looking for me huh?" she asks as I drag her through the halls

"huh? oh well, we haven't hung out in a while so I thought now would be a good time, you 'know I've done 2 out of the 3 tasks and haven't died yet so its bound to happen in the next one so..." I say walking with her where no one else is, she stopped walking and pulled me back to her

I do love you//louis partridge+ female reader Where stories live. Discover now