The Yule Ball

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a/n this is a short-ish chapter sorry and normal POV means your POV.

-normal POV-

"but I don't know what to wear!" I whine to Millie and Allegra

"a dress?" Allegra says as if it was obvious to her, I look at her and roll my eyes

"no like, what colour, does he want me to wear red, black, navy or green, ughhh" I rant out to them both and Millie speaks up

"why does it matter, I'm wearing red and I have no idea what Noah's wearing" she shrugs

"yeah but- " I start "what's going on?" a voice calls from behind us and I turn around to see Louis standing there with a small smile

"Y/n's worrying about what to wear to the Yule ball, she's like 'what does he want me to wear! red, navy or black'" Allegra says in a high pitch voice mimicking me

'I do not sound like that" I say acting offended looking at her with hurt eyes, she looks back and sticks her tongue out at me

"don't worry about it too much, just wear what you wanna, I'm wearing black so anything goes with that, I don't care what you wear you'll look good in anything like you always do" Louis reassured me with a toothy grin, I look down hiding my blush that crept on my face

"awww, Louis you made her blushh" Allegra and Millie tease while giggling, I look up and Louis is looking at me with a small smile planted on his face

"I always do, I just hope I'm the only one that makes her" he replies and walks closer to me

"you will look great in anything, but if you want an will be whatever you choose" he whispers in my ear and walks off. I look at the girls and they giggle

"you guys are so cute together" Millie says in awe

"I know, aren't they" Allegra squeals. I look at them both with a straight face

"we're not together, we are just going as friends as he needed to have a date" I imply simply

"therefore you are together" Allegra nods

"therefore I had to go with him, as. a. friend." I say

"hence why you are so nervous?" Millie smirks knowing she's got me

"hence why- hence why I want to look good?" I say but more of a question making them laugh

"I got ya there, just admit it, you like him" Millie says shrugging, I roll my eyes

"yeah, your right, I do like him" I admit to them, they look at each other and squeal

"we new it!... wait you do like him!" they say in sync

"No! I don't I was being sarcastic" I laugh making them groan

"I like Louis" Millie calls out to Allegra and I

"what about Noah!" I say worriedly

"what, what did I say?" she asks

"I like Louis" I reply to her

"HA!, you like Louis" she smirks and the both giggle

"no I don't, you made me say that ughhh" I groan putting my head in my hands as they tease me

-skip to the Yule ball-

"ughhh, what if he doesn't like it" I whine looking at my dress in the mirror

"why wouldn't he like it?" Millie says

"well for starters it's blue (or any colour) what if he thinks it's too long, and these things here" I point to the little things on the top of it

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