Gryffindor tryouts

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-Normal POV-

"ah, Harry my boy, I was beginning to worry, brought someone with us I see" Slughorn says seeing Harry and Ron walk in class late

"Ron Weasley, But I'm dead awful at Potions, a menace actually, so I probably should just be going--"

Harry quickly moves behind Ron, stopping his from going out of the class

"Nonsense, well sort you out. Any friend of Harrys is a friend of mine. Right then, books out --" Slughorn announced, turned back around to face us, the rest of the class

"Um, sorry, sir, but I haven't got my book yet -- nor's Ron --" Harry points out

"Not to worry. You can get what you need from the cupboard." Professor replies

As Harry and Ron step to the cupboard, Slughorn resumes, gesturing to the cauldrons bubbling before him.

"Now, as I was saying, Ive prepared a few concoctions this morning. Any ideas what these might be?" he asks, I whip my hand up as I clutch my book in my hands

"Yes, Miss...?"

"Tozier, Sir" I walk up to the caldrons

" That one there is Veritaserum. It's a truth telling serum, and that would be Polyjuice Potion. awfully tricky to make, and this is an Amortentia! The most powerful love potion in the world. Its rumored to smell differently to each person, according to what attracts them. For example, I smell..." I pause, taking in the sent of which I smell from the concoction

"mint tea, Lavender, strong cologne, a bit of cedar hydrangeas" I blush letting my body drift off to the smell I'm now obsessing over, I take a step back as people around my whisper and look at me

"who do you think that might be" Sid whispers to me, I roll my eyes

"come on now, you said it yourself, you smell Enzo" he joked

"no she didn't, Sid. I smell like roses, not hydrangeas. she smelt my twin, she smelt Louis and ow many times do I have to tell you not to call me Enzo" Enzo lightly punched Sid

"oww, and that makes sense now, I heard he got a beating when we left yesterday, I would've gotten in there helping them but I wasn't, he looks pretty fucked up though" Sid laughed, Enzo and I turned our bodies to look at the back of the classroom where Louis stood there looking down and hugged himself, he must've felt our gaze because he looked up and over to us making Enzo and I turn away to the front but Sid staying there glaring at the beaten up boy behind us.

"ahh yes, what you see before you ladies and gentleman is a curious little potion known as Felix Felicis. But it is more commonly referred to as --"

"Liquid luck" I cut him off

"yes, Miss Tozier...Liquid luck Desperately tricky to make. Disastrous should you get it wrong. One sip and you will find that all your endeavours succeed... at least until the effects wear off." he explains

"So. This is what I offer each of you today. One tiny vial of liquid luck... to the student who, in the hour that remains, manages to brew an acceptable Draught of Living Death, the recipe for which can be found on page ten of your textbook.

-Louis' POV-

about twenty minutes in the brewing lesson, it seems as though no ones getting it right, not me, not Y/n, not Draco and NOT even Hermione! I look over to the table beside me and watch as Seamus's Cauldon explodes on his face, at least I'm not doing that bad and I laugh to myself knowing that no one can hear me, I'm alone on the table. I see Seamus look at me with a disgusted look, I fake smile and turn back to my not-working potion vision of Liquid Luck


"Here you are then, as promised. One bottle of Felix Felicis. congratulations. Use it well." Slughorn says hesitantly passing the successful vial of Liquid Luck that Harry had brewed. I look to my left and see Y/n cuddled up by the hip with Draco, I shut my eyes and look to the front again trying not to care. 'this is my fault, this is my fault, this is all my fault' I think to myself.


I stand on the quidditch pitch trying to block out all the fuss behind

"ok, so this morning I'll be putting you through a few drills, just to asses your strengths...quiet, please" harry tries yelling over the noise

"SHUT IT" Allegra yells from beside making everyone stop what they were doing and started paying attention, Harry stuttered around and thanked the girl behind her

"alright, erm. now then just remember just because you made the team last year doesn't guarantee you a spot this year, is that clear?" he announced, getting no response


"so, Partridge, you going for chaser, you won't make it" A random boy said patting my back

"thanks" I roll my eyes and clenched my jaw

"has someone gotten their man period? oh how sad" he pouts

"I wouldn't make fun of having a period, dude it's a normal thing" I spat out

he laughs

"I bet it's natural for you"

"shut up, dude, leave me alone"

"aw, boohoo, sure I'll leave you all by yourself" he walks away with a laugh and high fives from his mates

"piss off"

-Louis' POV-

I sit beside Hermione as the tryouts for the Gryffindor quidditch team is held

"Hi, Mione" I smile making her look at me

"Hi, Y/n/n. you watching the tryouts?"

"yep, thought I would look and be here before my tryouts so." I shrug

"oh, you're trying out for Slytherin" she beamed surprisingly

"yeah, I made the team last year just barely, but I've gotten better" I reply

"well, good luck, what position are you going for?" she asks



I smile at her "yeah"

we watch as the Gryffindor's tryout, Ron and this boy who has a thing for Mione playing as keeper, I see Louis as a chaser and just some other people I don't really know, other than Harry and Ginny.

the keepers are really good, I didn't know Ron could play quidditch but damn, he's knocking all the Quaffles out, but so is that other boy, I see Louis fly towards Cormac McLaggen, the boy who has a thing for Mione and throw the Quaffle into the middle hoop, shooting and scoring as McLaggen moves to the side.

"oh my, Hermione!" I giggle knowing she did something to him

"what!?" she tried to hide a smile

"merlin" I say under my breath, shaking my head at the smart girl beside me.

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