you wish

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-a week later-

-3rd person-

Y/n hasn't seen or talked to the mystery partridge boy since them bumping into each other a week ago but she doesn't care nor thought about it once, well she has but she doesn't want to, but all she thought about it was why he looked familiar when she's never seen him before, that's the question that was on her mind for the rest of the week.

-normal POV-

during potions class with professor Snape all I did was lay my head down on the desk and listen, I didn't do the work but I listened so I still learnt some stuff *cough* not *cough* I didn't learn anything because we already leant all of this last year, 5th period of the day, it was a Wednesday, don't ask how I remember this....I just do. anyway that class ended pretty quickly, probably cause I was asleep anyhoo Blaise woke me up and we walked out of the class for out next which we had with Hagrid, He's the best, his class is the only time where I don't sleep, other than flying, cause I'm pretty good at it, but anyway we strolled on a path away from the castle to Hagrid's hut, we all stopped talking as he begun to speak up "come on now, come closer, less talking if you don't mind" he spoke pointing to some kids up the back, they rolled there eyes one Hagrid looked away "I got a real treat for you today, a great lesson! so follow me" he added and walked off with the rest of us following.

we got to this big empty area only 5 minutes away from his hut, the big trees towering over us with beautiful bright green leaves, ahead of me I could see the partridge boy walking with Harry, Ron and Hermione, I kept walking alongside Draco and Crabbe, Goyle a little bit behind "right you lot, less chattering and form a group over there" he said pointing over to a big tree "and open your books to page 49" he explained walking off as Draco, Crabbe and I walked over the little brick step "exactly how do we do that" Draco questioned holding up the big book with a buckle keeping it shut, Hagrid turned to face the boy "just stroke the spine of course" Hagrid responded and turned away again "goodness me" he joked as Draco held up the book and stroked the spine with it groaning, he raised his eyebrows and quietly scoffed watching Hagrid walk away from him.

while walking over to the spot Hagrid pointed to, Neville opened his book and started to attack him making the poor boy fall over and pieces of the book fly around and people around him laugh "don't be such a whim Longbottom" someone called out and he sat up "I'm ok, ok" the boy exclaimed just for the book to attack him again.

Draco and I placed out books on the brick wall next to the big tree and the Partridge boy and the golden trio stand by a big rock "I think their funny" granger says to the three boys in front of her "oh yeah terribly funny, really witty god this place has gone to the dogs, wait until my father hears that Dumbledore's got this oaf teaching classes" Draco said butting in their conversation which made Crabbe laugh loudly and Goyle go 'HA' but I just stand there looking at them. Harry looks at us and walks forward shut up Malfoy" he argued with the platinum headed boy, which made us, including me make an owl like sound "hohohohoooo" Draco handed Crabbe his bag that was hanging of his shoulder an walked towards Harry and looked him up and down, he randomly started squirming around and pointed above us "dementor, dementor" he exclaimed making everyone's head turn around to where he pointed and walked back over as we put on our hoods, waved our fingers around making ghost noises, Hermione lead Harry away and the class because quiet when we heard Hagrid clear his throat, we turn to see him with ferrets hung on to his jacket "dadadadaaa" he calls out as we see a big winged creature walk closer to him "isn't he beautiful, say hello to.. Buckbeak!" he added throwing a ferret at the creature which jumped up and ate it "Hagrid, exactly what is that?" Ron questioned, Hagrid walked toward us "that Ron is a hippogriff, first thing you'll wanna know about hippogriff's are is that their very proud creatures, very easily offended so you do NOT wanna insult a hippogriff, it may just be the last thing you'll ever do, now who'd like to come and say hello" he requested clapping his hands together and walked towards Buckbeak, we all stepped back but harry, once Hagrid turned around he saw harry standing in front of everyone "well done harry, well done!" he said which made the boy turn his head to see everyone behind him "come on now" Hagrid said and the boy just stood there, Ron had to push him forward "now, you have to let him make the first move its only polite, so, step up. give him a nice bow then you wait and see if he bows back, if he does then you can go and touch him, if not well, we'll get to that later" Hagrid explained to the boy, Harry walked up closer to the creature "make your bow" Hagrid said as the young boy looked at him "nice and low" he added, Buckbeak looked at Harry and flapped it's wings, Hagrid put his arm in front of Harry and said something I was unable to hear as they had quite the distance from me, soon enough Harry stepped back onto a stick making it snap "keep still" Hagrid said to the boy who was still bowing "keep still". a moment later Buckbeak slowly started to bow making Hagrid smile "well done Harry, well done!" he said joyfully "you can go and pat him now, go on don't be shy" he added. Draco, Crabbe, Goyle and I pushed past people to see what was happening as we were at the back, I ended up standing next to the Partridge boy who then looked at me and just stared as I looked at the ground, I then sensed his eyes piercing through my skin so I looked up at him but he quickly turned away which made me laugh, I turned back to see what is happening to harry only to see him closer to Buckbeak with his hand out ready to pat him, but the creature had other plans, he went to bite Harry which had scared me, I held on to the closest thing around me, which happened to be Partridge's wrist, I didn't even realise until he looked down and saw, I saw him looking down in the corner of my eye so I looked down and quickly pulled away making him look at me and smirk making me scoff and roll my eyes "you wish" I whispered to him making him frown.

-skip to when harry comes back from flying-

once Harry lands everyone congratulated him but Draco on the other hand had had enough "oh please" he barked while standing up and pushed past partridge and another boy "yess. you're not dangerous at all are you? you great ugly brute" he called out marching toward the 'great ugly brute'. Hagrid looked at him "Malfoy, no" he mumbled to him but it was too late, Buckbeak had got up on too of his legs and flapped its wings while scratching Malfoy making him fall to the ground, everyone ran behind trees and stuff but I stood there next to the partridge boy while slightly laughing, the boy looked at me weird, I pulled a confused face "why are you laughing if your friends with him" he asked not looking at me "because I can" I responded smiling, he opened his mouth again but I just walked away from him "it's killed meh, it's killed meh!" Draco said holding on to his elbow "calm down, it-it's just a scratch" Hagrid said to the boy on the floor in 'pain'.

Hagrid picks him up and walks away while saying "class dismissed" over Draco yelping in 'pain' in his arms "you're gonna regret this, and your bloody chicken" he said.

that's a long chapter

word count: 1414

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