not her

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TW- mention on s3lf H4rm!

-Normal POV-

after Professor Pinks class I walk out laughing with Finn with locked arms, we go through the corridors and go to our next class.

-next class-

"now, you all should remember bogarts that you had learnt 2 years ago, in year 3! we all will be doing it again, you all should remember how to do it, if you don't Mr. Partridge!" the Professor teaching points to Louis, who is currently whispering to Draco and not paying attention

"you go up, your worst nightmare and fear will come out of this very closet and you wave your wand saying 'riddikulus!" and it shall turn to something funny, now, line up everybody, chop chop we don't have all day" they explain and everybody lines up, Finn infront me and Louis infront, Draco next to him whispering something in his ear

-Louis' POV-

"I swear if your fear is still Y/n, god that will be embarrassing, Partridge" Draco whispers next to me at the front of the line, I nod slowly

"Partridge, walk up, go on" the professor encourages me, I take a slow but steady step forward, taking my wand out at the ready, the wardrobe shakes and rumbles around on the creaking floor below my feet, it busts open revealing and fresh doubleganger of Y/n, she's crying though, mascara smeared all over her face, her green Slytherin robe teared and ripped on her body, she's shaking while wrapping her arms around herself for warmth, god. time goes slowly and it seems as though its just her and I, but it's not her, its my fear, after all this time she's still my fear, but not her.

she looks at me dead in the eye and tears fall from her eyes as she shakes her head in disappointment, whispering something barely audible, I walk closer to her at a slow pace, not wanting to scare her

"The ways that you say my name have me running on and on" she cries out, her beautiful face all red, she's always been beautiful, but after returning to Hogwarts yesterday, I have yet to seen the changes, her hair darker, she's gained a little more weight on her but that doesn't matter, that's never mattered, she's so beautiful and weight doesn't matter to me, specially on her, her chest has grown too that's for sure, she doesn't look different, but she doesn't look the same either, she's just beautiful. the way its always been.

she wipes her eyes and I happen to notice her wrists, red scratches on them, I furrow my eyebrows and walk towards her, she flinches and takes a little step back

"hey, hey it's ok, it's ok I'm not gonna hurt you" I coo to her

"you already have Louis" she replies bluntly

"you did" she continues, I shake my head in doubt and take a steady step forward

"I know about you Louis, I know why you're here, I know" she grits batting her eyelashes

"your wrists" I whisper carefully to her, coming closer that I'm right infront of her, I hesitantly hold her hand lifting it up, she looks down letting out a tear, she looks back up to where her wrists are and sighs

"did I do this?" I tear up

"I know, Louis" she tells me again

"what do you k-" she cuts me off

"I know, Louis!, I know and I know you know what I mean!" she snaps at me catching me off guard and flinch

"and everyone will too soon, why didn't you tell me, why make him make me suffer with what you've done, you did this" she sneers

"Y/n, I'm so sorry, I don't want to tell you, I can't" I cry out letting the tears fall

"you say you love me, yet you can bare to see me suffer with your consequences? what type of love is that, he's hurt me sure, but what hurt more was that, the fact you lied, cried then I died, that's what hurt" she explains through sniffs and sobs

"I do love you, I do, I really do and that's why I'm not telling you" I tell her shaking me head sufferably

"then show that to her, prove it to her, tell it to her" she says, pointing behind me, I furrow my eyebrows and turn in the direction she's pointing to, I see no one there but Y/n, the real Y/n looking at me confused with tears in her eyes, I open my mouth but nothing comes out, I turn back to the bogart and time starts again, she's standing away from me again, back in her hugging herself position

"tell her" she whispers, I stand there not knowing what to do, was I just daydreaming but a nightmare or something?.

I look at her with tears in my eyes and turn around and bolt out of the room, not baring to face the embarrassment, they all saw the tears, I gave them enough time to see but not enough to talk.

soon, Louis

soon, Louis

it repeating all around me, following me like a lost puppy

it will all happen soon

it whispers in my head

-Normal POV-

Louis runs out of the room with tears in his eyes, his boggart being me again, I walk up to the boggart, me and analyse her, see all her dry tears, my dry tears

"go, go follow him" it whispers to me, I nod slowly and run out of the room as fast as I possibly can, ignoring the yells for me to some back, I have to find him, I need to find him.

-Louis' POV-

I'm still scared of her after two years, I'm still scared, but it's not her, its for the reasons you don't care to notice, the reasons you choose to ignore even the thought of her, its not for the reason you think. it's not her.

A/n- damnnnnnnnn, I actually love this chapter, a little emotional, I don't know if that's just me, but how tf did I write that. I WANNA KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!

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