'different reasons'

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-Writers POV-(3rd person)

the difference-

he loves her

she loved him

the similarities-

they both loved each other at some point whether its then or now, they have and they do

the Pros-

Louis' pros towards Y/n-

-her individuality

-her confidence

-her cute hobbies, like when she bites her lips while concentrating

-she's perfect

Y/n's pros towards Louis-

-he cares.. she thinks

the Cons-

Louis' cons towards Y/n-

-she doesn't love me back

Y/n's cons towards Louis-

-he is self-absorbed

-high ego

-will prob hurt me

-over himself


-needy, greedy, all over me

-was perfect

it may seem like it, but she doesn't,

she doesn't love him anymore.

it might not come off like he does, but he does,

he cares about her.

she wants-needs him to understand her signs

she doesn't love him anymore

-her signs-

-"there's no way I'm sleeping with you" I cross my arms, scoffing

-"because, I don't date jerks like you!" I point out

-"Louis...you're really scaring me" I stutter

"fuck you Louis, really?" I cry out (she has never said this, but just imagine ok?)

-"I hate you with a passion" I scold to him (she says after he leaves her room)

she doesn't understand why he still come around acting like it's fine, sure, maybe she's being a little dramatic but its for a reason. she just wants to prove that she doesn't need nor want and like him no more.

But here's the thing. She doesn't have anything to prove, but she is going to anyway. That's just her character. She knows she doesn't have to, but she still will just to show you that she can. Doubt her more and she'll prove she can again. We all already know this and you will too.

They dont have much in common, but Louis didnt care, he found out almost everything about that girl and studied about her, he started with her likings, he would sit in his room, getting paints and drew on a canvas, without magic, just how she does it, he tried all the foods that she likes, listened to all the music she does, forcing himself to listen the cringe ones, but loved all the love songs, closing his eyes enjoying it so then he tells himself that those are his favourite songs, he payed attention in class now, taking little notes and helping people next to or near him when they struggled in the lessons just like her, he wanted to be her, but for her, not because he wanted to actually be her but because he wanted her. and only her.

it might not come off like he does, but he does,

he cares about her.

he wants her to see that he cares about her, that he has loved her and always will, he's given so maybe signs that he just wishes she would see

Louis' signs-

-"just shut that pretty mouth of yours and come closer to me" I say smirking

-"I do! that's why I asked why" I panic

-"I never said that, but if you want it to be, then sure it shall be a date" I smirk

-"you're cute when you sleep" I say calmly and slowly

-"don-t, please I beg you, I'll do any-thing" I manage to say as he begins to walk away

-"don't be, I am pretty tired, I just wanted to hang out with the prettiest girl ever" I flirt making her roll her eyes

-"oh wow...I liked that" I nod my head looking at her red plump lips

-I don't know why but I walk up to them."who's this Y/n/n" I ask looking at the dude

-"Y/n, please, I love you" I blurt out of my mouth

all he wants is to be hers and for her to be his, he wants her to realise that he did this FOR her, he did it all for her, he has loved her for a long time he says to himself, it was for her when he made it cold in his room, it was for her when he asked why, it was for her when he said it was a date, it was for her when he watched her sleep, it was for her when he stopped being friends with her, it was for her when he wanted to hang out with her, it was for her when she kissed him after the second task, it was for her when he walked up to her seeing you dance with someone else, it was for her when he fell inlove. For her and ONLY her.

like I said before, they have nothing in common, although he tries to stop that by doing the same as her, she's doing the opposite, she finds the things he like and avoids them although she never comes to think that she is the main source of his likings, but that doesn't matter, its not like she can avoid herself. oh but she did, did you not think she thought of that? lol, she came to find that she likes indie-rock, not bloody pop love songs, which is what Louis has been listening to, she has come to the realisation tat if she is in need to avoid the one who has started this, that she would have avoid herself, the one who he has brought this onto. The target as I like to say, he being the arrow, launching and hitting the bullseye perfectly, hurting her more and more every time he shoots and her, Y/n being the target, the bullseye being her heart and mind, she has come to change the way she thinks, she walks a longer way to her common room, knowing that he now walks that way, trying to just god damn avoid him, but the more she tries the more he comes back fighting for her but then shooting her once again, leaving her heart breaking piece by piece, without even noticing, no ones notices, not even her, why? because she's too busy telling herself to stay away and that she doesn't love him. which she doesn't...I think, she's really confusing I cant read her emotions.

-louis' POV-

I did this for her, why cant she just fucking realise that!

-Normal POV-

He hurt me, why cant he just fucking see that!

-Writers POV-(3rd person)

lots of things have happened this year, its been a bumpy ride for both and all around them, there's been tears, screams, feelings hurt, hearts broken, and minds lonely.

but after this stage, here they are, putting there luggage in the compartments on their carriages of the train, ready to go back home, but they both don't really have a home, right? they both live horrible lives at 'home', well for starters, Y/n is staying with Millie for the whole break, and for Louis, well lets just say, he's gonna have to work on some things about himself. but them, looks like they're both doing things for different reasons.

"um hi Y/n!"

"oh, uh hi"

A/n- ITS LOUIS' 18TH BIRTHDAY!😭😭😭 I've been crying all day bc of it, words cant explain how proud of him I am, so I hope you like this chapter, I literally love you all so much! cya sooooon

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