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"I didn't take anything!" we hear Hermione yell out in pain

"I just wanna say, what I said about Gryffindor's. it-it's not true" I look down

"it's fine Y/n, we just have to do something" Ron turns back to look at me as I clutch onto Enzo

"there's no way out of here, we've tried everything" the man who owned Ollivanders says

"it's enchanted"

"I don't like this" whispered to Enzo

"me neither, who would?" he questions

"a person who likes cold dungeons as they await their death" I look around nervously, I feel his eyes shift down to me and I look up at him


he shakes his head at me with a small smile

"we're not gonna die" he reassures me

"I bet one of us will" my teeth chatter together

"let her go" Ron hisses as a man lets looks like a rat comes down

"get back. you, goblin, come with me" he points his wand to Ron then the man then back at Ron as the man walks to the ratty man.

I look down at the ground as it then soon forms a worried dobby, teleporting in front of us

"Dobby?" Harry questions

"what are you doing here?"

"Dobby has come to rescue Harry Potter of course. Dobby will always be there for Harry Potter" Dobby speaks

"are you saying you can Apparate in and out of this room? could you take us with you?" Harry asks

"of course, sir. I'm an elf" Dobby's squeaky voice replies

"Works for me" Ron shrugged

"right Dobby, I want you to take Luna and Mr. Ollivanders" Harry points to all of us

"Shell Cottage on the outskirts of Tinworth" Ron tells him

"trust me" he breathes

"whenever you're ready, sir" Luna looks down at Dobby

"sir? I like her very much" Dobby points to Luna, looking at Harry. he walks back and grabs Luna's and Mr. Ollivanders hands

"meet me at the top of the stairs in 10 seconds" he tells us before disappearing into thin air.


"like hell" Ron ran up the stairs from us hiding


Harry caught Bellatrix's wand

"stupefy!" Harry yelled, sending Mr. Malfoy flying back

I waved my wand seeing Enzo almost about to be hit but missed him and got the boy standing behind him


I see Louis fall to the floor with a hurt expression on his face. but it looked emotionally, not physically

-skip cause there's no way in hell I'm writing Dobby's death. it damaged us all😞-

-Harry's POV-

"many of you are surely wondering why I have summoned you at this hour" Snape starts slowly

"it's come to my attention that earlier this evening...Harry Potter was spotted in Hogsmeade" he announces louder making gasps and whispers fill the once bright crowded hall but now dark, cold and seemed bigger as it was empty

"NOW. should anyone, student of staff attempt to aid Mr. Potter. they will be punished in a matter consistent with the severity of their transgression. Furthermore, any person found to have knowledge of these events who fails to come forward will be treated as... equally guilty. now then, if anyone here has any knowledge of Mr Potter's movement this evening...I invite them to step forward...now!" Snape slowly walks down the stairs and through the gap in the crowd.

-normal POV-

we all walk out as the doors get pulled open when Harry starts speaking

"you still have a bit of security problems, Headmaster" I hear Harry say to Snape

'and I'm afraid it's quite extensive"

"how dare you stand where he stood. tell them how it happened that night. tell them how you looked him in the eye, a man who trusted you! and killed him! tell them" Harry yelled and Snape pulled out his wand making the four groups of people in their houses move to the side against the wall, Professor McGonagall steps forward and moved Harry out of the way.


"give me Harry Potter, do this and none shall be harmed. Give me Harry Potter and I will leave Hogwarts untouched. give me Harry Potter...and you will be rewarded, you have an hour" the dark lord spoke through the air of everyone's ears.

silence filled the air as no one spoke

"what are you waiting for, someone grab him!" Pansy yells out, pointing to Harry

"how bout no, bitch" I say before lifting my elbow and elbowing her in the stomach. hard


"if you would, I would like you, please to lead Miss Parkinson and the rest of Slytherin house from the hall" McGonagall instructs Filch.

"exactly where is it I'll be leading them to, Ma'am?"

"the dungeons will do" she replies with cheers filling the air, I look at harry and frown at him hurt

"I presume you have a reason for returning, Potter. what is it you need?" she steps forward as Harry walks to her

"I need Y/n, Enzo and Sid to stay, they've helped me and time, Professor, as much as you can get me"

"you three stay. do what you have to do, I'll secure the castle...Potter. it's good to see you" she slightly smiled and I smiled at Harry's response about Enzo, Sid and I.

"firstly, I just want to say I am FOREVER sorry about what happened at the wedding, i don't know what got into me" Sid turns I to Enzo and I

"sorry to both of you, I don't know why I somewhat listened to Sadie and not you. and I'm sorry for being a dick to both of you" he finishes

"it's ok, Sid but right now we have to ae sure we live" Enzo smiles worriedly

"yeah, it's ok, I forgive you" I hug him

"thank you. I've missed you guys so much you don't even know"

"we missed you too" Enzo and I say

I do love you//louis partridge+ female reader Where stories live. Discover now