new arrival?

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maybe in another life...

'I do love you'

they do but,

this isn't a love story. not for you, not for him and not for eachother

well not really but,

all that I know is that...

they don't love each other, not now? at least

yeah, that's right

their not lovers, anymore.

at least.

I woke up to the delightful sound of my mum yelling at me to get up. "Y/n you need to get up and get dressed or we'll be late!" she yelled from downstairs. I groaned and rolled off my bed landing on my white fluffy rug. I remembered what today was and I quickly jumped up off the floor.  I quickly put on grey baggy sweatpants and a white crop top. I hurriedly curled my long h/c hair and put it in half up half down hairstyle. I grabbed my already packed trunk and lugged it downstairs to the kitchen where I could smell the pleasant aroma of my mother's homemade pancakes. I rushed to my seat and began to eat with my parents at the table. Both my parents went to Hogwarts as well and were both sorted into Slytherin so it was no surprise when I too was sorted into Slytherin. I hoped that I would get put in Gryffindor and I still sort of do. My parents know that I don't really belong in the house I was put in but they're proud of me just the same.

As soon as I finished my pancakes my mother and I went off to London after I hugged my father goodbye.

I got to platform 9¾ and ran through the brick wall with my mum holding onto my back and the side of my trolley. I saw the Hogwarts express and all the new first years with their parents hugging them tightly. My mother had to leave after giving me a kiss on my forehead and wishing me luck in my 3rd year of Hogwarts. I heard someone call my name and turned around only to see Draco Malfoy running up to me with his trolley with him. "Hey y/n, long time no see ay?" he said with his famous Malfoy smirk on his face.
"yes, Draco, yes indeed" I said with a smile on my face. Even though he annoys the hell out of me I still choose to hang out with him. We're pretty much frenemies.

I walked onto the train with Draco, Crabbe and Goyle and we tried to find a carriage that was completely empty but no luck. We kept looking, hoping that somehow if we retraced our steps we'd find a carriage. That's when we came across him. We peered into the carriage and saw a boy sitting there alone. I had never seen him before and I know everyone in 3rd year. He sat there fiddling with his fingers until Draco slid open the door and spoke up. "Oi, who are you?" he spat at the boy. He looked up immediately only to lock eyes with me. I looked into his dark brown eyes until I looked away. He sat there looking at Draco with a confused look. "I said who are you, or do you speak a different language" he said and we laughed. Hey! I had to! I was with THE Draco Malfoy here c'mon. The boy looked at me then back at the platinum haired boy. "Oh I understood you, I just don't speak dick" the brown eyed boy responded. I looked over at Draco who was glaring at the boy. I resisted the urge to laugh. The boy noticed and gave me a small smile.
"And my name is .." he trailed off looking back down. Goyle went to say something but Draco spoke first.
"Well I recommend you get your filthy mud-blood ass out of here before I make you" Draco sneered. Something Draco said must of triggered the boy as I saw him stop fiddling with his fingers and look up at him. He stood up and roughly pushed past him while looking at me with his sad hazel eyes. But did I care? No, no I didn't. I couldn't do anything anyway as Draco was right next to me and besides, being friends with Draco means putting anyone elses feelings out of the picture. I sat down with the the boys and they started to talk about how funny the new kid was. I was sitting down looking out the window as I watched the rolling hills flash by in a blur of green and brown. I heard loud meowing from outside our compartment and I realised looking at it that it was Millie's cat. I opened the door and gently picked up the fluffy cat. I went looking for Millie in all of the carriages. A couple minutes later I walked past a compartment and heard Millie's familiar laugh coming from it. I walked backwards til I was outside the door and caught her eye. She opened the door and her friends eyes all flicked to where I was standing. I cleared my throat and spoke up. "Would this happen to be your cat Millie? It was just wandering around by my carriage" I said looking at her with a smile. She smiled back at me then looked down at the black cat I was holding. "Oh! yes it is I guess I hadn't noticed she was gone, thank you Y/n" she said gently grabbing her cat out of my arms and petting her on the head. In the corner of my eye I see the boy from before wiping away tears. I looked at him and silently chuckled at what he said to Draco.  "Hey, uh I'm sorry about Draco, he's a bit of a douche sometimes" I say not sure if I should smile or look sympathetic. He looked at me then looked back down.

"No ones ever really stood up to Draco like that before other than harry in 1st year. What you said, it was quite funny actually" I told him with a grin. He looked up at me and gave me a quick smile and I felt myself freeze, I was there stuck looking at the boy smiling softly at him with him doing the same to me, I couldn't move, well until I did.

That's when I felt someone shaking me and I come back to reality.
"Y/n!, y/n it's time to get up." I groan and open my eyes to see my mum hovering over me with a smile. I sit up and she handed me a tray with some bacon, French toast and some strawberries. I was really confused while I ate. That dream felt so real but none of it actually happened. That would also mean that handsome boy with the dark eyes was no more than a figment of my creative imagination. I ate quickly then got dressed in (whatever you want)

I do love you//louis partridge+ female reader Where stories live. Discover now