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-Louis' POV-

its been 3 days since she left. everyone hates me, the only interaction I've had with a person was Draco when he told me I'm fucked up. things spread around quickly here at Hogwarts that's why I'm scared of people- other people finding out about my father- my foster father.

I now realise, laying down in my bed staring at the ceiling that I was happier when she was here and we were apart than her gone and apart. I look over a my bookshelf and see the book that I got from her room. I struggle to convince myself to get up and reluctantly I grab the book, sitting myself back on my bad and getting comfortable. turning to the first page of the actual book. the opening line. the whole page took up of tree lines reading

with every bone in my body, I promise you that I would never leave you.

No matter how mad, tired, sad, or drained I am.

I am with you until every star in the universe stops burning from the sky.

I turn the page and start reading

"why are you so attached to him?" Amy asks Fleur

"he's horrible to you" she finishes, Fleur sighs and looks around with tear in her eyes

"I mean, sure he's had his moments but he's not that bad! trust me, I've tried to persuade myself that I don't have feelings for him but I keep getting dragged back towards him, he's everything and nothing at the same time" Fleur cries out leaning on Amy's shoulder.

they've been bestfriends for their whole life, always there for each other, but this boy. this stupid boy is dragging them apart, he's bad for Fleur, she doesn't seem to know it but Amy does.

"he's bad for you, he's lied, he's slept with other girls, he keeps secrets from you but you don't know that cause he covers them up, Fleur. Maxi is bad for you" Amy shakes her head.

"but he's everything I want, he's made me happy so much! but he's tearing me apart bit by bit" Fleur backs the boy she has grown fond of for 2 years

"exactly, and everything you want isn't necessarily everything you need" Amy hugs her

"I loved him...why?" Fleur mumbles

"boys are stupid, they lure you in and they don't realise that they've fucked everything up and that they love you themselves until you're gone, as far away as you can get from them" Amy coos, she knows what's happening, she's gone through it. the boy lured her in and crushed her making her leave him alone to another country where Fleur followed her.

Fleur laughs they start eating the brownies they were waiting for to cool down.

"see? why have a boy when you have brownies" Amy points out and Fleur chokes on her brownie making the two friends laugh their asses off.

I read the page and read the writing down the bottom, written in pen

I should of noticed when you told me that you didn't know if you were ever in love with me, yet you have no problem with saying 'I love you' over and over again.

-Normal POV-

welp, day 3 of being here and I love it. I go to the kitchen island and sit down ruffling with both of the boys hair and Liz, Enzo's mum gives me a bowl of yogurt and fruit for breakfast and we start eating

"oh, I forgot, you all got a letter early this morning. here you go" she informs us handing a letter each with our name written on it. we all look at each other and open it at the same time reading the long page with 2 small paragraphs- sentences written.

We have received intelligence of your disappearance in the school at two minutes past twelve in the morning.

due to your actions of leaving the Hogwarts without permission from the head and in during of preparing for your exams. you are now hereby expelled from Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry and will not be able to return.

yours sincerely,

Delores Umbridge, ministry of magic.

"Umbridge" we all say in sync. I put my head down

"I'm so sorry" I cry to the boys, Enzo pats my back and Sid rubs my hand

"Y/n, its fine, I mean we don't really have school anymore, but it's not your fault" Enzo says, I sigh and rub my eyes

"that school was turning into a dump anyway, especially with Umbridge" Sid jokes

"I didn't even know we could get EXPELLED from leaving" Enzo runs his hand through his hair

"YOU GOT EXPELLED!" Liz yells from upstairs, I hold back a laugh and Sid snorts out his water, I rub his back and loose control of laughter, falling off my chair and laying there with the two boys above me making sure I'm ok.

"is she ok?" Sid whispers to Enzo, he shrugs and looks at me with a grin on his face

"wait" Sid mumbles and pours water on my face, I choke as some of it gets in my mouth and the world goes blurry

"SID YOU NINCOMPOOP" I yell and feel someone pull me up, I rub my eyes and look at Sid infront of me, he looks at me and innocently smiles and batters his eyelashes

"Sid, I think you should run" Enzo tells Sid and he runs with me chasing him right on his tail. he runs up the stairs screaming like a little girl, I take off my shoe and chase with it as he squeals making me giggle more. He runs in our shared room and goes to shut the door but I push it and tackle him as he lifts his hands up to his face and yells for Lorenzo, I grin at him and the door busts open, we turn our heads and see Enzo, he laughs and jumps ontop of me with Sid on the bottom, all laughing like nutzo's. after a bit of fun nd Sid tickling me🙄😤 we calm down and watch some television.


Sid turns off the light and we all start go to sleep. they sleep so quickly it's like magic, I'm telling you. I stare up at the ceiling and sigh quietly not wanting to wake them up, the little snores coming from Sid aren't keeping me awake. it's my thoughts, I just got expelled from my home, and not only me but my friends got expelled with me. because of me and I can't help but feel bad. tis is all my fault, I shouldn't of le-

"Y/n?" I hear Enzo whisper, I whip my head over to him

"are you awake?" he asks, I smile

"no" I roll my eyes, I hear him chuckle

"can't sleep?" he mumbles, I nod even though he can't see due to the dark

"yeah" I pause. silence fills the air as I stare up to the ceiling

"come here" I hear him say

"what?" I tilt my head

"come over here, come cuddle with me" he says, I furrow my eyebrows and grin, slowly getting up and get under the covers that he opened for me, I lay down next to him feeling the warmth of his body, I can see his face better now, he covers me up with his blanket

"what's on your mind?"

"nothing, I'm sorry I dragged you guys into getting expelled with me, it's all my fault" I shake my head looking anywhere but him, he chuckles

"how many times do we have to tell you for you to understand that it's ok, we don't care, we thought of the consequences but we still came with you, didn't we?" he replies, I furrow my eyebrows and look at him

"at least we know you're safe and we're with you, we're happy, we love you" he finishes, I smile and kiss his cheek, he opens his arms and I cuddle up close to him, resting my head in his chest as he kisses my head, his heartbeat and warmth calming me down and i soon fall asleep in one of my two bestfriends arms, feeling safe.

-Lorenzo's POV-

I smile as I hear her little snores against my chest, I stroke her hair and kiss her head calmly.

"I love you" I mumble knowing she can't hear me and slowly drift away with one of my bestfriends in my arms.

A/n- hehe, damn this must be getting so boring for you guys to read, I am so sorry but I love you all!

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