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I added some things that didn't happen in this scene

The class and I stood in front of a shaking wardrobe with rusty mirrors "intriguing isn't it" a voice called out from behind us, obviously it was Professor Lupin as he was teaching this class, then the wardrobe took an big shake which startled me a little bit "anyone like to take a guess, as to what is inside" he questioned walking to the front of the class "that's a boggart" Dean Thomas answer "very good Mr. Thomas, now can anyone tell me what a boggart looks like?" he quizzed "no one knows" Hermione replies even though she just walked into the classroom "when'd she get here?" Ron says turning to Harry, I laughed "boggarts are shapeshifters they take the shape of whatever the particular person fears the most that's what makes them so-" she continues but gets cut off by professor "so terrifying, yes, yes yes" he said finishing Hermione's sentence, another big shake "luckily, a very simple charm exists to repel a boggart" he explains but gets cut off by another shake "let's practice it now" he demands "without wands please" he adds "after me, riddikulus" he requested and the class repeated it "riddikulus" we all said in unison and Professor nodded in approval "very good, but a little louder, VERY clear, listen riddikulus" he explained and we copied after him "this class is ridiculous" Draco mumbled with his sling on his arm due to the fact that Buckbeak attacked him cause of his stupidity. "what really finishes a boggart is laughter, you need to force it to assume a shape you find truly amusing, let me explain, uhh Neville will you join me please, come on don't be shy, come on" Lupin insists to the nervous Neville, he slowly walked up to the front of the class "come on, now, what frightens you most of all" Professor Lupin asks the poor, Neville says something that I am unable to hear as he mumbled it "sorry?" Lupin questioned as he wasn't able to hear him as well "Professor Snape" the boy answers and the whole class laughs, I didn't because he scares me sometimes too but I just don't show it because I don't really like to show my weakness's "mhm, frightens all, and I believe you live with your grandmother" Lupin added and Neville nods "yes, but I don't want that boggart to turn into her either" he replies with a little stutter "no" Lupin reassures the nervous boy, another big shake comes from the wardrobe "it wont" he adds "I want you to picture her clothes, only her clothes very clearly in your mind" he explains "she carries a red handbag-" he starts but gets cut off by Professor "we don't need to hear, as long as you see it we'll see it, and when I open that wardrobe here's what I want you to do" he walks up to Neville and whispers something in his ear so we cant hear, Neville nods, "wand at the ready, 1.....2.....3" he says and waves his wand opening the wardrobe and 'Snape' walks out and starts to walk towards the boy with his wand out at the ready "riddikulus" he says pointing his want directly at 'Snape' at, woman's clothes appear on him and the class laughs, Lupin claps and congratulates the boy "wonderful Neville, wonderful, incredible ok" he says patting the boys back and turns to the class "everyone form a line" Lupin demands and everyone obeys, I get pushed into the middle of it, I'm behind the partridge boy and Harry behind me and somehow Ron got at the front of the line? "I want everyone to picture the thing they fear the very most and turn it into something, funny" Lupin explains walking over to a record player and turning on music "Ron" he said directing his wand at the red head, Ron stepped forward and 'Snape' then turned to a massive red back spider and he stayed there frozen in place "wand at the ready Ron, wand at the ready" Professor Lupin says to him "riddikulus" he says and the spider suddenly has roller-skates and falls down.

A couple minutes go by and so far there has been a snake that turned into a jack in the box, a dog that turned into a rat, a grave that turned into a big flower and thunder that then turned into a fish out of water and many more before it was up to the boy in front of me, he stood there and looked at professor Lupin and started to shake a little "do I have to?" he asked politely and Lupin nodded his head 'yes', the boy quietly sighed and stepped forward, the rabbit that was from the previous person then transformed into a girl in a Slytherin robe.


Was he scared of.... me?....why? the whole class laughed but I just stood there confused, how do I scare him, and I don't even know his name!.

He stood there as if he didn't know what to do, lupin looked at the boy "go on Mr. Partridge, wand at the ready" he spoke up to him, partridge looked at Lupin and nodded quickly, I could hear him gulp as he took his wand out and directed it at 'me' "make sure your very clear when saying it" Lupin explained to him again "r-rid-Riddikulus" he stuttered at 'me' and 'I' transformed into a puppy and all the girls stared at it in awe, the boy quickly walked to the back of the line looking down at the ground trying to ignore all the people teasing him about being scared of me. Professor looked at me and nodded at me to step up so I stepped up and the puppy turned into a clown about 7feet tall so it towered over me with a creepy smile on its face with a red balloon (like pennywise). it started to walk up to me holding out the balloon in his hand for me to grab off him, I started to walk back until I took my wand out "Riddikulus" I said and the clown suddenly had a bright pink dress on, Lupin clapped "well done Y/n, well done" he cheered and I slightly smiled and I walked to Draco who hadn't done his because he didn't want to, he smirked at me "I bet the partridge boy is scared of you because your a Slytherin HA" he chuckled, I looked behind me to see him sitting down in the corner, I turn around because I heard a yelp from professor Lupin to see a dementor coming towards them but I suddenly turns to a moon-lit sky "Riddikulus" Lupin says and it turns into a balloon and goes back into the wardrobe "right, well sorry about that, uhh that's enough for today, if you'd all like to collect your books at the back of the classroom that's the end of the lesson, thank you" I said nodding his head out of breath "yes, sorry very sorry" he replied to all the groans from the class, they all went to the back of the class and got their things but I already had them, I waited for Draco but in the corner of my eye I saw the partridge boy bolt out of the class clutching on to his things, I turn back to Draco "I'll be back, I'll find you in the yard" I stated and he nodded, I ran out of the classroom and went in the direction I saw him go, I saw him turn a corner and I followed but didn't see him I sighed in disappointment and turned around "why are you following me?" he said as I started to walk around the corner making me jump "what the hell dude, don't scare me like that!?" I yelled at him and he laughed "why are you following me?" he smirked leaning on a pillar "why was I your boggart" I questioned ignoring his question, he rolled his eyes and walked past me but you guessed it, I followed right behind him "are you gonna answer my question or not partridge?" I said being inpatient, he stopped walking making my bump into his back, I stumbled back, he turned to face me with a worried look
"do you hear that?" he mumbled looking around, I knew he was messing with me, I rolled my eyes "is it because I'm in Slytherin? orr" I snapped walking closer, he looked at me with a disappointed look "do you always ruin the fun in things" he joked, I raised an eyebrow "do you always avoid questions and act like an idiot? oh wait sorry I already know that, yes you do" I hissed, and he smirked at me and laughed "your a sassy one aren't you, or are you just on your period" he laughed "excuse me!?" I argued, his eyes widened and he began to panic "oh god, I'm sorry, I'm really so-" he started but got cut off by a hand sliding across his face "you 'know maybe you should be scared of me. I mean I can just go and get Draco if you want, maybe Blaise, would you like that?" I sassed at him as he held his cheek, he frantically shook his head "please don't" he stuttered "why should I? I don't even know your name" I argued with him "it's louis, please don't get Draco or Blaise" he stuttered with watery eyes, am I making him cry? "sorry are you crying?" I noted, he frantically wiped his eyes "no, no I'm not" he snapped, I laughed a little and he looked at me confused "yeah, yeah whatever you say mud-blood" I said and walked away leaving him there.

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