snow day

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The next day I woke up and looked out my widow and jumped out of my bed in excitement.


If you didn't know already I LOVE snow, I love to go out and play in the white fluffy cold layer that falls onto the ground of the earth, I like to just sit down and feel the tickle my skin as it melts from my warmth, I just love it.

Since it was snowing we got the day off until it's gone which will probably be in a few days, I got dressed into a long sleeved t-shirt and a black puffy jacket with grey sweatpants, Draco came bursting in my room and dragged me out when he saw me finish putting on my shoes "Draco what are you doing, where are we going?" I questioned as we went out of the common room and out to the halls, we walked to the great hall and met with Crabbe and Goyle (I know Goyle wasn't in this scene I just don't know it was so just go with it) Draco then turned to me "relax, Y/n we're just gonna go to Hogsmeade, I want some butterbeer".

We went for a walk after we went to get our butterbeer Draco made us go for a walk but I ain't complaining, more time in the snow!. we turned a corner and walked to see Hermione and Ron talking "well, well look who's here" Draco said as we walked down the little hill type thing "you two shopping for your new dream home" he joked but didn't joke? I don't really know Draco is confusing so don't ask me to tell you about him cause I have NO idea "Bit grand for you, isn't it, Weaselbee? Don't your family all sleep in... one room? " Draco says as Ron and Hermione turn to us as they were looking at the Shrieking Shack. "shut your mouth Malfoy" Ron says in an embarrassed tone "oo, not very friendly, boys, Y/n, I think it's time we teach Weaselbee how to respect the superiors" Draco explained, Hermione laughs in a sarcastic type tone and steps forward "hope you don't mean yourself" she replies, I smile a bit and try not to laugh "how dare you talk to me, you filthy little mudblood" he says and gets hit in the face with a snowball, we all turn around but no ones there, Draco gets freaked out "who was that" he asked but no one responded, another snowball gets thrown at the boy and he falls back into Crabbe's arms, snowballs keep getting thrown as we back away Ron and Hermione stay there looking amused, I just stand there with no emotion, he deserves it, Draco pushes Crabbe "don't just stand there, do something!" he roared at him "whaAt" Goyle says as his beanie covers his eyes and Crabbe's pants fall down, Goyle fixes his beanie while Crabbe struggles to put him pants back on but trips and falls on his face, Hermione laughs in amusement, Goyle's scarf is then pulling him in circles as Draco falls over and gets dragged along the snowy ground as he screams with voice cracks, it stops and he gets up and runs over and grabs Crabbe and Goyle and rans away leaving me, the boys tremble up the little hill thing "Draco, wait!" and catch up to him, I turn to Ron and Hermione, his beanie strings hanging up and Hermione's hair sticking up, Hermione laughs a small laugh "Harryyy" she says and he appears with a big smile on his face "bloody hell Harry, that was not funny" Ron says and Hermione and Harry laugh, they turn to me "sorry I'll go" I say walking, but Hermione stops me "wait, what happened to you and louis last night" she says with a small smirk "nothing, he was sick so I helped him" I say with I slight smile "is that all?" she questioned walking closer, I nodded no, yes, we kissed but it wasn't intended and it didn't mean anything of course. it didn't mean anything.

a/n-small chapter because I was tired and need to go to sleep, I would've posted earlier but I just started school

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