Scar (Shelby/Toni)

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Shelby has a scar from where Toni hit her with a tree branch that first day on the island. Toni, who hasn't seen Shelby since the island, notices it and feels incredibly guilty. Side note: They just reunited in Minnesota in this one shot. Short and sweet. 

Toni frowns as she takes in her girlfriend's face. She hasn't seen her since the island and yesterday, they were finally reunited. The blonde's hair has grown so it sits right above her shoulders. The sunburn is all healed. However, there is a faint scar on her temple from where Toni hit her with the tree branch on that first day on the island. Guilt floods the basketball player, knowing she is the one who caused it. 

Toni doesn't cry often, but the realization that her actions have left a permanent mark on her girlfriend's otherwise flawless face causes tears to well up in her chocolate brown eyes. As if she can sense Toni is upset, Shelby awakes. She stares at Toni and strokes her face lovingly.

"Why the tears, baby?" Shelby asks.

"I hurt you. I hurt you and now you have that scar," Toni frowns.

"Hey. None of that. You've changed, baby. You wouldn't hurt me know, would you?" Shelby asks, knowing full well what the answer will be. 

"No. Shit, Shelby, I would never," Toni replies, shaking her head.

"See? You've changed, Toni. I know you would never hurt me. I trust you," Shelby says, wiping away Toni's tears with her thumb. 

"I love you," Toni says, smiling softly at the blonde, leaning over and kissing the faint scar.

"I love you more," Shelby replies lovingly.

"I love you most," Toni smirks.

Shelby smiles and pulls Toni down for a quick kiss. They break apart and groan when the alarm goes off. Shelby is the first to get up, reaching a hand out for Toni. 

"Up and at em, Shalifore," The blond says.

Toni groans, but takes her girlfriend's hand and allows herself to be pulled out of bed, ready to start the day.

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