Please Wake Up (Emison)

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Alison is in a coma and Emily doesn't know if she is going to wake up

I still remember like it was yesterday. The day I got the call that the love of my life, my amazing, beautiful wife was hit by a drunk driver and was in a coma. Now, a week later, I have just been informed that the doctors don't know if Alison is going to wake up. I am sitting by her bed side, holding her pale hand in mine. She has a bandage on her head and an IV in her arm. I can't loose her. She's my everything. I need her. "Ali, honey, please wake up. I love you so much. I need you Alison... Please open your eyes," I beg. Nothing. Alison is still unconscious. Suddenly, her ocean blue eyes fly wide open. "Emily!" she screams, sitting bolt upright. "Ali, shh. It's ok. I'm here. You're ok," I soothe. "What happened?" she asks. "You were hit by a drunk driver. You've been in a coma for a week," I explain. I try to fight it but tears stream down my face. "Em, don't cry, baby. I'm ok," she soothes, brushing my dark locks out of my eyes. "I almost lost you," I sob. "I know, love, but you didn't. Come here," she says. "I don't want to hurt you," I whisper worriedly. "You won't. Please baby. I need you," she promises. I nod and climb into the hospital be with her, pulling her into my arms. She rests her head on my chest. Her eyelids are droopy. She looks so tired. "Sleep, Ali," I urge softly. "Mm. I love you," Alison yawns, snuggling further into me. "I love you too," I smile. She falls asleep in my arms moments later. I place a gentle kiss on her forehead. "Sleep well, my love," I murmur softly. I hold her as she sleeps, happy that she woke up. I have my wife here, alive and well, in my arms. She is going to be just fine.

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