Horror Movie Comfort Fluff (Supercorp)

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Prompt (@stanning5h_andCim): Can you write one where supercorp watches a scary movie and Kara gets scared and Lena notices and comforts Kara and takes her upstairs to cuddle?

Lena and Kara are cuddled up in the couch in Lena's penthouse, watching The Ring.  A creepy girl with black hair and a filthy old nightie comes crawling towards the screen. Kara flinches out of fear. She doesn't want to ruin the film for Lena however, so she just holds Lena tightly and hopes that her girlfriend doesn't notice that she is shaking. Lena being the attentive girlfriend that she is notices right away though. She turns off the television and looks over at the blonde haired superhero. "Why did you turn it off?" Kara asks, her voice shaking despite her best efforts for keep it steady. "Because it was scarring you, my love," Lena replies. "You can turn it back on. It's ok," Kara says. "No, honey, it isn't ok. It scares you and I don't like seeing you scared. Besides, I'd rather cuddle with you in bed anyways," Lena assures Kara. "Really?" Kara whispers. "Yes, really. Cuddles with you beat horror movies any day. Now, come. Let's go to bed and snuggle," Lena says, getting up from the sofa. Kara smiles and the pair head upstairs. They lay down in Lena's queen sized bed and Kara snuggles into Lena, resting her head on the black haired beauty's chest. Lena wraps her arms around her superhero girlfriend and places a loving kiss on her forehead. "Is this better, Kara?" Lena asks her love. "So much better," Kara sighs contentedly, throwing an arm around Lena's waist. As the pair fall asleep, Kara thanks Rao that she has such a caring and attentive girlfriend by her side. 

A/N Hope you all enjoyed! If you have any other requests, comment below or on any other one shot! Thank you for taking time out of your day to read this! Love you all! -lovelygaypoison 

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