Stay Strong For Me (Brittana)

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Brittana AU: Santana is a police officer in New York City and she gets shot while on the job. The moment she gets the call that her wife has been injured, Brittany rushes to Santana's side. (I put Callie Torres in this one-shot because I love her! She's awesome!)

"Hello?" Brittany says as she answers the phone.

"Brittany, it's Blaine," a man's voice replies.

Blaine Anderson is Santana's partner in the New York Police Force and they have been partners as well as close friends for a little over three years.

Brittany's heart sinks in her stomach. She just knows something bad has happened to her wife.

"Britt, Santana was shot several times. I'm so sorry. The guy came out of nowhere. Before I could shoot him, it was too late. Come to New York Presbyterian hospital as fast as you can. Santana is refusing to go into surgery until she sees you," Blaine explains.

"Oh my god. Okay, I'm on my way. Do not let her die, Blaine!" Brittany orders and she hangs up the phone.

She grabs her keys and coat, slipping on some shoes as she rushes out of the apartment.

She drives as quickly as she can in the New York traffic to the hospital. Brittany parks the car and rushes to the emergency department.

There she finds Blaine in his uniform, pacing back and forth along while several other officers sit in chairs. Santana is a well loved, high profile police officer so that explains the crowd.

"Blaine! Where the heck is she?" Brittany asks, rushing up to Blaine.

"I'll get the doctor. She said that only family can see her," Blaine replies.

He rushes off to get the doctor.

"Brittany! Is she going to be okay?" one of the officers asks. "

"I don't know. I haven't seen her yet!" Brittany replies anxiously.

Blaine comes back with a doctor.

"Hello. I'm Dr. Torres and you must be Brittany. Santana has been asking for you. One bullet went into your wife's stomach and the other into her leg. I'm an orthopedic surgeon so I will be working on the bullet in her leg. My colleague, Dr. Jones, will work on her stomach since he is a general and trauma surgeon," Dr. Torres explains.

"Okay. Can I please see her?" Brittany asks.

"Of course, but it has to be quick. She's already lost a lot of blood and we want to get her into surgery as soon as possible," Dr. Torres says. Brittany nods and follows the doctor to a hospital room.

"I'm going to prep. An intern will come by soon to take Sanatana to the Operating room. I'll try to update you as often as I can," Dr. Torres informs Brittany before leaving.

Brittany takes a deep breath to calm her raging heart before she enters the hospital room, closing the door softly behind her.

There she finds a semi-conscious Santana laying on the bed, attached to many tubes and wires, a bandage on her side and arm.

"Mm. Britt," Santana whimpers, her brown eyes fluttering open.

"Hi, baby," Brittany says, taking one of Santana's hands in hers.

"I'm so sorry Brittany. I should have seen it coming but I," Santana starts.

"Shh. This is not your fault, do you hear me? The doctors are going to take good care of you and I will be there when you wake up. Stay strong for me, please," Brittany begs.

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