All About The Bump

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Okay now I really think Richard is going to kill cormac. "I- sir I can explain-" cormac starts. "Cormac Oliver Hayes." Richard repeats "yes sir?" Cormac stops hugging me and moves to stand next to me. I'm not sure what has gotten in to either of them but I have never in my life heard cormac say sir like that or heard Richard talk like that. Richard hands me the box and onesie. "I- uh?" I didn't know what to say. "Give us a minute Meredith." Richard says. I turn to look at cormac I want to laugh so bad because honestly this was kind of funny but I don't. I keep a straight face and look at cormac. He looks terrified, like he just saw a ghost. I raise my eye brows and then walk over to Amelia silent. "What the fuck was that about? The 'sir' and 'Cormac Oliver Hayes'?" Amelia questions I shrug "I have no clue." I say.

Standing with my hands in my Jean pockets I look Richard in the eyes. "Sir I'm really sorry." I was marrying Meredith so I didn't want her only father figure to hate me. "Cormac we need to talk." Richard states. "Okay we can do that." I reply. "I know you want to marry Meredith and I know Meredith was already pregnant with your child. That being said this is way more serious." Richard says. I'm scared and tense and honestly I just want to hold Meredith in my arms because when I do that I am the most relaxed. "Yes. Yes, I am marrying Meredith and yes she has been pregnant with my children and yes she is again. Yes I love her. Sir I know Meredith isn't you're biological daughter but I also know that you love her more than her mother or father ever had. You watched Meredith grow up. You were always there for Meredith and always will be. You watched Meredith go through school. You watched Meredith fall in love with Derek, have a family with him and then you watched her grieve his death. Somewhere in between all of that you watched Meredith hurt. The plane crash. The cheating. The sisters and the one night stands. The bomb, the drowning, the person and the person leaving. Now you are watching her fall back in love with someone who isn't Derek, you are watching her move on.   I know that's hard to do but I can truly promise you I'm not going to hurt her. See sir the thing you don't know about me is I was married, I had a person, a wife, and now? I'm a widow and I never in my life thought that I would be in love again. I thought that I was too hurt too broken. I thought that Abigail was my only love. Sir you gave me your blessing and I took it fully. I'm here to stay. I love Meredith. I've been in love with Meredith for a long time. This isn't a rebound or a one night stand. I would ask a shooter to shoot me instead of Meredith, I would stick my hand in a body cavity with a bomb, hell Id get hit by a semi, for Meredith. Please believe me sir. I love her and I love the child she is carrying and I want you in our lives. She wants you in our lives." I reply, it was a lot and I was scared but Richard heard every word. "Son, I know you love Meredith. I've known you love her for a while now. She loves you. You're right I am a father to Meredith, she would and will deny it but I am. I'm sorry about your wife. This next step is serious for Meredith. She knows that. Meredith is a big girl and I'm not here to tell her what to do but she doesn't like big decisions she's dark and twisty or what ever she calls it. I was saying she may get over whelmed and need someone to just be there for her. Cormac she will push you away at first it's what she does but you have to push back.

Let's get Meredith back over head so we can talk about this baby." Richard replies. I loosen up a little and nod my head. We walk back to where we were standing before. I look to see Meredith standing in the sand looking at the ocean. Her hair blowing in the wind and her dress blowing yo one side. God she was beautiful. I smile. "Mer!" I yell. She turns around and starts to walk towards us. Amelia walks back out of the house but stays by the door. Richard and I are walking to Meredith and Meredith is walking to us until we finally meet. I wrap my arm around her shoulders as she stands next to me. She puts her hand on my chest, the hand that will have a ring on it. I smile. "Okay let's try this again." Richard says. Meredith hands him the box once more. He opens it again and smiles. He takes out the 'loading' onesie and lays it on his chest. He picks up the pregnancy test and one of the pacifiers. "Please tell me you didn't pee on this." He says looking at Meredith "how else would it be positive?" She replies. He just looks back down at the box. He put the loading onesie back in the box and pulls out the grandpa one. "Are you asking me to be it's grandfather?" He says.

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