A Ghost From The Past

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I feel a really sharp pain in my lower stomach. It get stronger and evtually I place my hand on my stomach and lean forward. "Ow shit" I yell as I start to fall and cormac catches me. "Fuck" I yell and Maggie comes running up the stairs. "What's wrong?" She says. Cormac drops the hair stuff in his hand. He picks me up put his hand under my keens and his other hand around my back. He walks me over to the bed and put me down. "Oh shit. Cormac something is wrong." I yell. "What the fuck happened?" Maggie says cormac turns around and looks at her, "I don't know she just started yelling and holding her stomach." He says. "I have- uh I have a sharp pa- pain in my lower sto- stomach." I say in pain. "Like contractions?" Maggie says. I shake my head no. Cormac walks over to the door pulls Maggie in and then closes it. "Shh I know your in pain but the kids?" He says kind of asking in a do you care type of voice. I start breathing heavy. "Cormac! Help!" I yell. "Okay, okay. Take a breath. What do you need?" He asks. "I- I- I don't know." I reply. Maggie is just standing there. "Meredith explain your pain. I need to know what's wrong." I put my head down in pain. "It's- it's like a really bad cramp. It really hurts." I reply before Maggie can reply Cormac picks me up again and carries me downstairs. "Ow! What- are- you doing?" I ask breathing really heavy in pain in between each word. "We're going to the hospital." He answers. "No. I- I don't think- oww shit." I yell. "Yes. Yes we are."

I get to the hospital walk over to the passengers side and pick Meredith up like you would with a baby. I walk in and we are instantly met by an intern "is that? Is that Meredith grey? Like the Meredith grey?" He asks excitedly but also concerned. "Yes and if you don't get me a doctor 'the Meredith grey' will be dead in your hospital." I respond. He frantically looks around, "oh my good! Move." I say pushing him. I walk all the way into the hospital and I see a doctor. Tall woman with blonde hair in pick scrubs. I walk over to her "please tell me those pink scrubs mean you're an OB?" She looks at put her hands out towards mer. "Yes, yes let's get you a bed." She replies. "Thank you." I say. The doctor starts walking through doors and I follow. She takes us to a room. "I'm doctor Blake." Meredith looks up at her Meredith is in a lot of pain but it all seems to leave her as doctor Blake introduces herself. "Doctor Blake, what is your first name?" She asks looking the women in the eyes. "McKenna." She replies "is there a problem?" McKenna asks. "Exactly what hospital am I in?" Meredith asks. "County Gen. why?" McKenna asks. Meredith grabs the sides of the bed in pain. "Okay Doctor grey, I need to check you out." Doctor Blake says. "Is your sister Penelope? Penny?" Meredith says in pain. "Oh my god.." the doctor says and I become very confused. "I'm- I'm so sorry how could I- I- Doctor-" McKenna is stuttering. "It's fine just please don't kill me and fix whatever is wrong." Meredith yells. "Okay I'm going to give you an ultrasound, and check your cervix to make sure you aren't dilated. How far along at you?" McKenna replies. "Eleven weeks and like three days." Meredith replies. "I don't want to know anything about the baby. I don't want to know if there more than one or if you can see the gender. I just want to know it's ok." Meredith continues. "Okay I'll just keep the screen turned away from you." McKenna says. I grab Meredith's hand and she squeezes it. "Listen you need to be healthy because we still have plans today. They are important." That makes Meredith smile a little. "Only you would care about these special fancy plans while we're in the hospital." She says. I smile and reply "they are really really important." McKenna squeezes the jelly on Merediths belly and Meredith moves a little because it's cold. "Sorry." McKenna says. Meredith shakes her head "its fine." McKenna moves the wand all over Meredith's belly and her face lights up. I look at her then at Meredith. "Okay it looks like everything is fine. The baby is measuring a little bigger then you said but it could just be a big baby. I'm going to check your cervix now." McKenna says and Meredith nods. McKenna then checks her cervix and looks back up. "Everything with the baby looks fine but I think you have kidney stones." McKenna says. Meredith nods still in pain. "I'm going to order a CT normally I wouldn't because you're pregnant but you need one." McKenna says. "You're smarter then your sister." Meredith replies and then it hits me. "No fucking way." I say out loud. "You're- you're penny's sister?" I ask McKenna shakes her head yes. "Well shit." I say. Meredith hits my arm. "S-s-sorry." I say. McKenna smiles "it's fine." She replies as she walks out of the room.

"Daddy!" Ellis yells as Cormac and I walk into the house again. Everyone is dressed and looks very nice. "Hey baby girl." He says as she hugs his legs. "So what happened?" Maggie asks. "I have a kidney stone. I need to make sure I'm drinking a lot of water. We are still doing that stuff Cor has planned." I respond. "Kids go upstairs or outside I need to have an adult talk with aunty." I say. Austin walk's outside and everyone follows. I make sure none of them can hear and then I say "Doctor Blake said the baby looks good. She gave me some pain killers but I'm not taking them and I have a kidney stone that should pass on it's own." Maggie looks at me. "Doctor Blake? Like-" I shake my head "McKenna. Penny's sister." I respond. "Oh my god. Did she know you?" Maggie asks. "Yes. She apologized. I told her it was fine then she stuck her hand in my vagina." I answer which makes Cormac and Maggie laugh. "Okay are we ready for our special day now?" Cormac asks. "Yes I'm excited to see what you have planned." I say. "beh, avevo anche dei programmi speciali per stasera, ma non sono sicuro che li vorrai." He says knowing Maggie can't translate it. But I could translate it perfectly and his exact words were "well I had special plans for tonight too but I'm not sure you'll want those" I look at him tilting my head and raising an eyebrow. I walk over to him hug him and whisper in his ear "con ogni dolore arriva il piacere. Fai l'amore con me." Making sure my leg rubs up against his jeans I walk away. He looks at me and Maggie does too. "What just happened? What did you two just say?" Maggie questions. I knew he knew that I said "with every pain comes pleasure. Make love to me." But he told Maggie we were talking about the baby. I smile and walk outside. "Roll call." Maggie says joking. But we really did have to make sure everyone was there before we could go on our first adventure.

"Okay my boys come here." I yell still thinking about what Meredith said to me inside. "Ellis!" I yell as Meredith makes sure she looks 'good' but she always looks perfect. Ellis comes running over. "Bailey." I yell but get no response. "Derek Bailey shepherd." I yell louder and he comes running over. "Hand" Austin says holding his hand out so we don't loose Bailey. "Zola." I yell and Zola come walking over. "1, 2, 3, 4, and 5! Got em all" I say touching each kids head. Meredith smiles and say. "Pick a car." The kids run towards the cars. I start to get nervous but try to hide it as best as I can. Meredith walk's over to me and hugs me. She cups her hand around my cock and then turns around. "Tease." I say as she continues to walk through the sand. "Until later." She replies. I place my hands in my pocket smile and shake my head. I run up behind her put my hands around her waist and spin her. Her dress flowing and her hair pushing up against my chest. She laughs and I put her down grabbing her hand as we walk to the car. "I love you." She says. I smile "I love you too."

No cliffhanger this time, next chapter is the chapter I have been waiting for it's so cute. How did you feel about this chapter? I felt like it was crap but wanted to give you guys something. I didn't have time to proofread this chapter so I apologize for any typos or if it doesn't fully make sense.

- Love G. 🖤

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