Baccia Mi

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Do I push the code blue button or do I try to talk to him? If I push the code blue button tons of people will come running in. But if I talk to him it's just us. I don't know what to do. He's in Jean with boots and a dark charcoal grey shirt with a black leather jacket and a black beanie hat. Meredith squeezes my hand. There is plastic on my incision which is keeping me from moving to much. If I make any fast movements it will tear along with my incision. If he scares Meredith too much she could lose the babies. Fuck! What do I do? Think cormac think. Okay okay let's just try to talk to him. "Hey Andrew!" I say as calmly as I can. "Oh shut up or I will do worse than I originally planned." Okay so that didn't work. "What are you doing here Andrew? Who let you in? What do you want?" Meredith says almost crying. She needs to shut up. I move closer to her ear to tell her to stop talking but the second I get even the smallest amount of close to her ear Deluca says "I wouldn't do that if I were you." I freeze and look up at him he's holding a big rusty metal bar. "Wh- what do you plan on doing with that?" I ask. "Well fist I'm going to make sure Meredith loses the baby because it should be mine and not yours. Then I might give you another infection but we'll see." Okay now he's really pissing me off. I look past his shoulder "oh thank god office he's trying to kill us!" There wasn't an officer but I need a distraction. He drops his metal bar making a big sound that startled someone in the hall. I quickly turn and press the code blue button. Nurses and doctors come running in right as Deluca gets ready to hit Merediths stomach with the bar. He's lowering his arm and I grab the bar. I hear the sound of plastic ripping. "Shit" I say. "Meredith, come here." Yelled Richard. Meredith spins and runs over into Richards arms crying. Deluca keeps trying to hit me if I move anymore my incision will definitely tear and I will die. He takes a step closer I lose my grip on the bar and he goes to hit me in the head. I kick him in the balls and he falls to the ground. Security guards come up behind him and immediately put handcuffs on him. "Fuck!" I scream. My incision tore a little at the end. "I'm pressing charges!" I yell. We had a court date in 2 days and he was supposed to stay in jail untill then so I was confused as to why he wasn't in jail but in my goddamn hospital room instead.

Bailey walks in the room to check my incision luckily I didn't need to have another surgery but instead I could just use a sterystrip. Bailey applies 3 and new plastic. "DO NOT MOVE." She says very clearly. "I'm sorry but did you want me and Meredith to die? Because that's what would have happened. I would have died and she would have miscarried. Is that what you want?" I say annoyed. "Cormac calm down." Meredith says. "No that's not what I want but now that he is in jail do not move. Do you understand me?" Bailey says. "Yup" I say. She rolls her eyes. "Meredith lay down so I can check the babies." Bailey says.


I get out of the chair I was sitting in and walk over to the bed Hayes was on. I lay down next to him and he kisses the top of my head. Cormac is annoyed and I can tell. "Hey you get to see your babies again." I say trying to cheer him up. "Yeah." He isn't very happy right now so I stop pushing. "Okay this is gonna be cold." Bailey says. Cormac grabs my hand, he squeezes it a little and then rubs his thumb on my hand. "Baby A looks good it's chilling. Baby B looks good too. Baby C seems to not be here anymore so that's good Meredith. Hey when was the last time you changed your pad?" It was weird talking to Bailey about this stuff because she was like my mom. "I haven't changed it or peed since I first put a pad on. So like 8 hours ago?" Cormac kind of gasps and Bailey looks at me almost scared. "Um okay well I need you to change it and try to pee. No tampons or anything going... uh up there. I'm going to start an IV to give you some fluids. Do you want an extra bed or are you going to sleep together?" Bailey says. I look at cormac... "I- uh..." he just kind of looks at me. "Just bring one I'm not sure yet." I say "mkay here's a pad and I'll be right back to start that IV." Bailey walks out of the room.
"Okay what the fuck is wrong?" I say turning around to look at cormac.
"I'm sorry. I was an ass and I shouldn't have been. I am sorry." He says genuinely looking sorry.
"Mmhmm. You need to apologize to Bailey, she's trying to help you." I say "I know I will when she comes back." Cormac is looking at me like he never has before. His eyes look soft. It feels like He's the only one in the room. I look at him and say "what?" He chuckles and looks down at his hands. "I was just thinking about how beautiful you are, and how beautiful our babies are going to be." He says. Right then and there I knew I was in love with him. I blush and look away. "Meredith?" Cormac says sounding concerned. I was in the bathroom changing my pad but yelled "yeah?" He yells back "what if we are moving to fast? What if we have these babies and then don't end up together?"  I quickly finish in the bathroom and walk out. "What?" I say very confused. "Well I really like you and I want us to work I really do but what if we don't? Sometimes no matter how much you want something it just doesn't work out." He says. I walk over to the bed, he was sitting up straight so I go over and sit on his lap facing him. "Cormac Hayes I am never going to leave you. I don't care what you do, I'm not leaving. adesso baccia mi" I say and grin a little. "I'm not kissing you." He say shaking his head. "Why?" I ask making a sad face. "Because if kiss you our clothes will end up on the floor again." He says. "Cormac Hayes, baccia mi." I say again. "I am not kissing you." He says. "Please." I say prolonging the end of it. "Fine come here." He says smiling. Bailey walks in right as we start kissing. "Jesus Grey get your ass off of him, he needs to take it slow." She say. Cormac chuckles and goes "I can take it slow." And then kisses me slower. Which completely turned me on. "For the love of god. Grey get over here." She says as Cormac and I laugh.  I walk over and sit down on the other bed Bailey puts in the IV and says to me "now if I see you on him again I'm making you get your own damn room." I chuckle and say "but I just like him so much." Hayes puts his head down shaking it and laughs. "I don't give a damn, you can not have sex and he can not move." He says. "Okay but kissing isn't sex and what if I do all the moving?" I ask. "Grey- only kissing clothes stay on. You hear me?" She say and smiles a little. "Yesssss!" I say running over to him getting on his lap and kissing him again. "Jesus you would think you two were a bunch of teenagers" Bailey says walking out of the room. Cormac chuckles as he kisses me. My hair falls by his face and he tuck's it behind my ear.

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