The Last Letter

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December 30th 2025,
    I woke up this morning and reached for you. I do every morning. I still can't believe you're not with me. I miss you and love you. It's been five years since I lost you and I haven't stopped thinking of you. The kids miss you. Austin and Avery are getting pretty serious. Liam got a girlfriend. Ellis still cry's for you sometimes. Bailey is so damn smart. Zola never cried. I think she was just in shock and pushed it down to be strong for the babies. I wish you would have meet them for longer than a four months. You missed them talk, walk, they're first words, they're first day of school. It's been five years and I still write to you everyday, I know you can't see the letters but it helps me. God I remember the day we got torn apart like it was yesterday.

It was December 30th 2021 you had given birth to all four of the kids four months prior. You got in a car accident. Some guys came flying at you out of no where. You got rushed to grey solan everyone crying and scared. I got to go to the O.R with you, hold your hand. Bailey and Webber scrubbed in. You kept coding, loosing blood, you were in a lot of pain. "Til Death do us part mer, that's what we said but if you leave. Meredith if you leave me I won't ever recover." I say as Richard charges the defoliator. "300 clear." I move my hand right in time. "Meredith, vieni, resta con me. Tesoro, non posso vivere senza di te. Ti amo." (Meredith come on stay with me. Babe I can't live without you.) "I-I-I- I'm sorry there just nothing else I can do. She's lost too much blood and is loosing it faster than we can put it in. Hayes, she's gone." Richard says crying. Bailey screams. "Grey! You were the last one. Come on fight." Bailey lays over you a little kind of giving you a hug. "It's okay. It's okay Meredith you go. I'll stay here and take care of the kids. You go we'll be okay." I say holding your hand rocking back and forth crying like a baby. I went home never stopped crying. I told the older kids first. It broke all of them. I was worried about Zola. Then I told Bailey and Ellis. They didn't really understand. I never told the babies.

Meredith the babies look just like you. We had two girls and two boys. Luka and Easton are the boys. Gia and Camilla are the girls but you already know that. Gia is just like you. They are four. God I miss you. I was looking at our pictures other day you know all the ones you kept in that box under the bed. I was looking at the ones from Catalina island. We were so in love. I still am. Meredith I miss you, we all do. I was looking at our wedding pictures too. You're dress was so pretty. You're smile, god that smile you had made me smile everyday. You kept every note I gave you. I was reading them, I read every single one. I have your keychain the one with a charm for everyone. The twins, oh Meredith hug them for me. Hold them tell them I love them and will see them soon. I added charms I added an L, E, G and C. I have a charm on my Rolex, that one I wore to our wedding. You bought it for me. It's an "M" charm and your birthstone. Meredith I can't sit for the day I see you again. I'm sorry you got in an accident and I'm sorry I couldn't save you. I know you're better now. Ti amo Meredith. Forever and more. I'll see you soon babe.
- Cormac Oliver Hayes

"Dad!" Austin yells. I get up and walk down the stairs "yeah bud?" I ask. "I know today is the wrong day to tell you this but I need to because I don't know what to do." Austin says he looks scared. "Okay let's sit down, what's up?" I ask pointing to the couch. "Avery- Avery is pregnant." He says. My jaw drops.

So when it comes down to it. Love? It's hurt it's pain. It happy, it's sad. It's everything in between. When I whittle it all down to one breath it's Cormac Oliver Hayes. It's our family. I miss you guys and I'll see you soon. The story of Meredith Greys, Cormac Hayes and everything in between.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2021 ⏰

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