Right Here, Right Now | Dominant!Kaoru x Reader Lemon (Request)

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This is a request by GlitchShame

Dom!Kaoru x Female!Reader lemon

Disclaimer : Contains sexual content! Oral! Don't like, don't read!

Enjoy ^-^
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Your POV

Running my fingers through my hair, I lean against the doorway of the Host Club clubroom with a smile as I greet the clients that walk through. A tablet lays in my arms as I look over the timetable and lead each girl to their given table with a bright smile. Taking the money from the girls and placing them into the hands of Kyoya who counts them over and puts them into our float. A small hum leaves my lips as I look over the tables and check the timetable to make sure that everyone is sticking to their schedules. That no one is spending more time than they have to with someone.

With the Host Club receiving more and more attention recently, Kyoya had to hire someone else to help with maintenance and scheduling and money. He couldn't handle the sheer pressure of handling the appointments, the actual job and sorting out the little picture books and magazines at the same time. So, instead of cracking under pressure and getting stressed out, Kyoya hired me.

Well, I kind of offered to help since Kyoya is always one to refuse asking for help.

You see, my boyfriend is actually one of the many hosts that worked in the club. Which, unfortunately, meant that I couldn't see him as much as I wanted to due to him being at the damn club. So, to help seeing him more and show that I support him being in the club (because he's very worried about my opinion of him working like this), I decided to ask Kyoya if there was anything that I could do. Which then got me to my position as Kyoya's assistant to handle all the appointments.

Instead of the girls going to Kyoya, they came to me whenever they wanted an appointment with someone. I would get the schedule up and explain what would be available and then choose their slot before handing them a little mini card to remind them. Nothing too exciting but I knew that it helped Kyoya a lot.

My boyfriend, Kaoru Hitachiin, was part of the twin package at the Host Club. The younger twin and I have been dating for a good couple of months. Despite him being a favourite of the club, Kaoru always makes sure that I know I'm always the one that he loves and that he is dedicated to. He always makes sure that I know he loves me and that he wouldn't want anyone else. He's very sweet and he's so so adorable when it comes to our alone times...

And he can be a little beast when it comes to our alone moments~

As I look around the room, I meet eyes with my boyfriend and send him a soft smile making him wave shyly toward me before turning beckoning me over. Knowing this was Kaoru's language of 'get rid of these ones', I walk over with a clear of my throat. A smile playing on my lips as I reach their table and roll my eyes playfully as Kaoru wraps his arms around my waist and rests his head on my stomach. His way of telling me 'I want a break' while I run my fingers through his hair.

"Ladies, I believe it's time for you to leave the twins be," I hum gently, watching as the two girls deflate and gently push to their feet and leave without another word when I give them the evil eyes, "You okay, Kaoru?"

"Mmm... bored," He mumbles into my stomach as he nuzzles into my warmth while I run my fingers through his hair and smile to myself, "You look really good in that dress, you know,"

"Thank you, baby," I hum, giggling as he pulls me into his lap and rests his head on my shoulder as I lean back and snuggle into his warmth, "You don't have any appointments now, you're free for the rest of the day,"

Ouran High School Host Club x Reader Oneshots/LemonsWhere stories live. Discover now