My Mate~ | Alpha!Tamaki x Omega!Reader Lime (Request)

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This is a request by Womanwolfblood

Can you do an Alpha Tamaki x Dom Omega Reader Lime, omegaverse AU.
Reader is in her heat, and when she enters music room 3, reader gets a strong scent from Tamaki

Warning : Sexual Content! Grinding!

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Your POV

I couldn't even count the amount of times I had shifted in my seat throughout the day. During English, my first lesson of the day, I couldn't sit still. My senses heightened. Every sound that was made caught my attention. Every gasp, every murmur, every shriek of a chair moving forwards or backwards. My hairs standing on end at the back of my neck. Alphas were staring at me through the whole of my English period... a hungry gleam in their eyes.

Following through to Maths and then Latin, the feeling got worse. A pit weighing down on my stomach, pushing whatever there was inside to the lowest point possible. My back feeling rather numb. My heart beating a hundred beats per minute. Everything felt hotter than usual. My forehead felt like a sauna. Even the omegas started getting affected by my scent, keening and whining quietly.

Something didn't feel right...

My stomach, usually I couldn't feel it, normally never having a problem with it, felt heavy. My brain clouded. My shoulders sagged gently as I hunch over, biting my lip to avoid making a noise that I'd regret. My eyes beginning to grow heavy as my body fires into a flame of heat. My tongue threatening to roll out of my lips. Saliva building up into unbearable amounts. My thighs beginning to rub against one another at the heat clawing against my insides. Trying to find a way to rid myself of the ever growing slick that began to slide from my core. My hands racing to cup the yearning heat, pushing my fingers against it to try and reduce any wanton behaviour.

My whole body felt weak... Like I needed something. My body knew what it was but I didn't... which was always the case. Omega's never knew what they wanted unless their bodies told them... and I hated that with a passion. Why can't we be more like alphas? So we knew what we wanted and could control our urges a lot more better!

Damn these omega hormones! This sucks! Why did this have to come now of all times?! It wasn't even half way through the school day! I hate this...

Biting my lip softly, I suppress the urge to moan as my chair jolts underneath me as I push myself from my desk. Worried about the scent entering any of the alphas around. Taking a deep breath, I gather my books to my chest, avoiding all eye contact and all interaction with anyone. Alphas, betas and omegas alike. Scurrying out of the classroom with a small whimper, hoping and praying that no one followed me as I teeter through the empty hallway, pushing my books into my locker with haste.

I needed my medication! I needed my medication! I needed scent blockers! I don't want to be mated just yet, I have so much other stuff to worry over!

Releasing a small breath, I grab my emergency bag full of scent blockers, pregnancy pills (to help me not get pregnant), condoms (if the worst of the worst happened) and heat suppressors. Rummaging through the small pouch in a matter of urgency as I release a small whine, realising that there were no pills to reduce my heat symptoms. How could I have forgotten to buy more?! There wasn't any scent blockers either... oh yeah, because I had helped out Haruhi with her heat the other week... that's why I forgot to buy more!

This wasn't good!

Maybe Haruhi stocked up. That might be my best bet... but what if any of the Host Club come onto me? What if I can't control myself? Oh my god! What if Tamaki and I end up mating?! What if he comes onto me... I won't be able to control myself then... he's my crush! I can't mess that up! Oh my god!?

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