I Like You... Okay? | Kyoya x Reader (Request)

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This is a request by lillian9017

My request is the reader is really close friends in the Host Club and is usually there helping them out with ideas and everything. Maybe one day, one of the guys gets sick so the reader has to fill in. I think one of the twins should be sick just for the fun of it but she's not going to get with them. I want Kyoya to get jealous nothing else and confessing out feelings

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Your POV

Humming a soft tune, I stick my tongue out, the tip pointing toward the ceiling, as I begin to shade in where the contours of the clothes would fit among the model I had created, arrows pointing out of different sections, commenting on the type of fabric I would use, the type of stitching that would best fit the garment as well as colours, style and, of course, fit. Saving Hikaru and Kaoru's mother time and effort, I politely offered to create and make a handful of costumes for the Host Club, bagging myself costumes for Tamaki, Kyoya and Haruhi, bearing in mind that I had to design each and every costume to fit amongst their Host Club persona. It was a challenge that I was willing to accept, wanting to help the Host Club. It was designs for a butler themed session the males were hosting, Tamaki (of course) being the head butler, so I designed a tailcoat and waistcoat with his signature rose in his breast pocket.

I planned on dying roses to fit each of their characters, an idea I came up with myself.

Much like Renge, I was more a part of the more managerial side of the Host Club. Often, I helped Kyoya with the numbers, sometimes I contributed a large sum of money to help gain leverage for the club, as well as creating the scenery of the music room, costume designs, the actual costumes, the foods and the whole set up of the Host Club. Due to being on the more secretary role of things, I often had to arrive early (sometimes with Kyoya) to help set up and make sure everything was perfect for the men and women involved.

Smiling softly as I finish the sketch, I place it on top of the other sketches, running my fingers through my hair, plumping the volume up a bit and allowing air to slide through my tresses before resting them in my lap, leaning my chin on my hand as the Hosts begin to fill into the room, wearing their normal uniform, nodding my way while Kyoya sits beside me, looking over the sketches.

"How are you this morning, Kyoya - Senpai?" I ask smiling sweetly at him, "Did you get enough sleep?"
"I can fully function on three hours sleep, (Y/n)," Kyoya hums pushing his glasses up, looking over his clipboard, "How are you?"
"I'm great," I reply, "I have just finished the sketches for your themed costumes and I'll make a start on them during the day,"
"Good," Kyoya hums, sending me a small smile

Whistling a small tune, I walk toward one of the back rooms to the music room, opening the closet door to reveal the satins and silks hanging upon the wall, grabbing my sewing kit which laid happily on a shelf, I grab some black satin and some sturdy fabric pulling them to a table in the corner of the room, well away from all the Host Club's work going on, before grabbing some white chalk and my measuring tool, marking out the shape and fit of the fabric. Sticking some bobby pins in my hair so it doesn't fall into my face. My sewing machine plugged in and at the ready to connect to fabrics and make them one.

However, before I could continue, two pairs of feet stop before my table. Looking toward the owners, my eyes widen. It was the twins. It wasn't anything too unusual, they often greeted me separately from the others in the morning due to their tardy behaviour but Kaoru seemed paler than normal.

"Kaoru - kun... are you okay? You look pale," I hum softly, standing up, grabbing a chair for him to sit down on, "Kaoru are you sick?"
"Yeah, he had a temperature this morning, I tried to get him to stay at home but," Hikaru begins, wrapping his arms around me from behind, "You know his dedication toward his schoolwork,"
"Right," I reply awkwardly, pulling away, sending him a friendly smile, "Kaoru, if you're ill you shouldn't be in, you could make some of the girls sick... maybe even Hikaru,"
"I'm sorry - Achoo!" Kaoru replies, sneezing rather adorably before wiping his nose with his handkerchief, "Maybe you could fill in for me?"
"That's a good idea, Kaoru," Hikaru hums, smirking my way, "(Y/n) and I could partake in a double act,"
"But I have costumes to make," I reply, trying to get myself out of it however my morals were tugging at my brain

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