We're Just Friends | Haruhi x NonBinary!Reader (Request)

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This is a request by CodexAlex

Can I request a oneshot about a non-binary reader who is an exchanged student and just wanted to reader a book but Tamaki tries to talk to them and make them join the Host Club for their stay and teaches them everything. And the reader is just chilling and relates to Haruhi most of the time until they get told they have to entertain people and be lovey dovey (because reader is in a relationship with a supportive boyfriend and to them it feels like cheating) plus they're not really comfortable around people

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Your POV

Humming softly, I hold a small reading book up to my chest, walking toward a small tree standing amongst larger ones, smiling softly as I sit by the tree trunk, crossing my legs as I lean against the bark. Resting my book against my thighs, I open to the current page I was on, resting my bookmark beside me before delving into the pages, my eyes skimming over the words as I engross myself in the story. Licking the tip of my finger from time to time, I flip the pages as I finish the page, smiling softly as I try to dive deeper and deeper into the story, trying to figure out with the main character who the murderer was. I adored thrillers and mystery genres, loving all the twists and turns that every character makes to finally solve the cases, the feeling of triumph when you figure it out before the character often makes your heart swell.

However, before I could turn the page and read about the journey of the detective rummaging through the victims belongings to find at least one piece of evidence, a shiny pair of leather shoes stop before me. Nervously, I slide the bookmark into the page, releasing an annoyed sigh before looking toward the owner of the shoes. Meeting the baby blue eyes of a rather cocky male, he was attractive and he knew it, a charismatic smile gracing his chiselled face as he extends his hand toward me. Staring at my hopeful.

Shaking my head, he releases a whine, pulling his hand away before running his fingers through his blonde locks.

"You're the transfer student, aren't you?" He asks, kneeling in front of me, smiling widely at me making me feel slightly uncomfortable, "What country are you from?"
"Uh... America," I mumble, looking down at my feet, "What do you want?"
"I am in charge of a host club, a club for the ladies where they can live through their fantasies and get entertained by attractive men," he explains, "I would love to include an international male, the ladies would love that,"
"But I'm not a guy," I explain biting my lip as I look down at the floor, "And why would you want me there anyway? I'm only here for a couple of months,"
"Nonsense, you're an attractive individual, the ladies would love you," he tries to reason, trying to veer me toward his deal, "You'll have seven amazing friends by your side during your stay! It'll be amazing!"

Staring at him wide eyed, as if he just ruined a movie or a book that I hadn't watched or read yet but was hoping to go through at a later date. Was he insane? Asking a complete stranger, whom was still uncertain in this new country, to join his 'club' which sounded more like a way of rinsing money out of lovesick girls to pay for certain things. It didn't seem right, especially when I had a boyfriend of my own, and I wasn't really attracted to anyone, it was a push for my boyfriend to finally get me to date him... I was so awkward, intimate relationships weren't really my forte...

Unfortunately, he did have a point about having someone to be around. Being a transfer student, I stick out like a sore thumb. Which, might I add, isn't the best thing, especially when you're an introvert. Often, I found it difficult to communicate with others, being in a new country heightened the difficulty. Perhaps I could join this 'club', just so I'm not alone and I have at least someone to accompany me while I'm trying to just get through my transfer, just so I'm not alone...

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