Hey, Are You Okay? Kaoru x Bullied!Reader (Request)

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This is a request by Heartbreaker_Jade16

Kaoru x bullied reader

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Your Pov

With a sigh, I head down the halls, clutching my hands together, avoiding eye contact with anyone that passes me. My eyes meeting the floor with a sad gaze, sniffling every so often as I hear my name being mentioned, muttered even, by girls and boys alike, talking about me behind my back. Avoiding your problems is never the wisest thing to do, but what choice did I have when I couldn't stand up for myself?

Maneuvering my way through the crowd, I try to keep my eyes down, refusing to look up, just incase if I get anyone deciding to pick on someone like me today. When rumours spread, they spread like wildfire at our school. Right now, and even back then when I first started at this school, no one dares to talk to me. Sneers, glares and legs for me to trip over are put toward me. Incoherent words muttering my way every time I walk past a certain group...

As I manage to get within three feet of my class. My head bashes into a built chest, chasing a small yelp from me and a groan from the receiver, sending my backwards onto my bottom as I fall to the ground clutching my head. My eyes, slowly, look up at the person I accidentally bumped into, worried it was one of the bullies. Thankfully it wasn't... but that didn't make my heart stop like it did...

It was Kaoru Hitachiin... The youngest of the Hitachiin twins.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asks worried, "I'm sorry, I didn't see you there,"
"I - I'm fine," I stutter blushing as he holds his hand out, "I wasn't looking where I was going... sorry..."

Slowly, hesitantly, I take his hand blushing softly as he pulls me up. Our hands, although I was now on my feet, stayed interlinked, Kaoru blushing as he looks into my terrified (e/c) eyes. With a small smile, he pulls his hand away from mine, rubbing my arm apologetically.

"There we g -" he says but gets cut off when his older brother, Hikaru, pulls him into his arms
"Are you okay?" He asks rubbing his younger brothers cheek, "Did she hurt you?"
"N -" Hikaru begins to reply, sighing as Hikaru cuts him off again with a kiss to the forehead
"She did, didn't she?" He asks before glaring toward me, "Clear off, girl. He's not into a stupid girl like you! You hurt him! Now get out of my sight before I make you!"

Whimpering, I turn abruptly and scarper off, small tears falling down my cheeks as people begin to whisper about me left, right and center... Some people laughing at me, saying that was the only time a boy will ever talk to me... When they want to insult me. My eyes begin to scream waterfalls down my face as I slam the doors open, rushing to the small mound where a tree lays lonely... I know it sounds sad, but the tree is the only thing that understands me.

With a small sob, I slump against the tree, my knees against my chest, letting tears fall onto my knees. Now that a boy from the host club hates me, my life will end as quick as it began. Maybe, if I managed to convince my mom, she'd let me attend to a commoner school... maybe being a rich kid will have its perks at the school and I could become a whole new person. I wouldn't want to be a popular girl at school, I'd rather be an introvert with a small group of girls to hang out with. Unfortunately, my parents aren't too keen about me being a student at a commoners school and, frankly, they don't care about me being the bottom of the food chain at school...

"Hey..." A voice calls out

Looking up, wiping my eyes softly, I see Kaoru kneeling before me with a concerned smile. His hand rests on my arm, rubbing it soflty as I sniffle soflty.

"Are you okay?" He asks, sitting next to me, "I'm so sorry about my older brother... he's protective over me,"
"I'm fine," I reply looking down at the floor, "I'm sorry about bumping into you,"
"Well... I don't think you should be," he says rubbing my back, "I think that's the best thing that's ever happened to me,"
"Really?" I ask

"Of course"...

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