I Need You Now | Alpha!Dominant!Hikaru x Luna!Submissive!Reader Lemon (Request)

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This is a request by ChoiiSoyeon

Alpha!Dom!Hikaru x Luna!Sub!Reader Lemon

Enjoy ^-^
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Your POV

Humming a soft tune to myself, I walk around my home to make sure that everything is as perfect as it possibly can be. Making sure that the pillows are fluffed to perfection, trying to make them look like they're full of life. Moving around the pillows to make them alternate from pattern to plain as they back the couch. Trying to make sure that there is no mess on any of the carpets despite vacuuming the floor about five times before coming to terms that it may actually be spotless.

In the dining room, carefully planned and decorated by me, stood the dining table adorned with a silk table cloth that I only bring out on special occasion. On top of the table cloth, were two china plates ready to be filled with food. The centrepiece stood tall, a candelabra with three candles. Two champagne glasses proudly stood beside the plates ready to be filled with bubbly liquid that would go straight to our heads. Rose petals scattered across the remaining area of the dining table to give it that romantic aesthetic.

I even had soft classical music playing in the background to give it that sort of romantic aura. Making sure that everything would make my alpha know that tonight I meant business.

My mate, my alpha, has been tirelessly working his butt off for weeks on end. He's been leaving early in the morning to get extra hours in so he gets paid overtime. He brings his designs to work on at home if he doesn't finish them at the office. He's even brought his sewing machine home from time to time to finish up on a garment of clothing that needed to be done before a certain deadline. He works day in, day out with no rest unless it's when he's fast asleep in bed.

Alpha works at a fashion retailer. If I'm being perfectly honest, he co owns the retailer with his younger twin brother. He plans out the designs. He sorts out the meetings. He plans out what will be in fashion when and what consumers will be vying for when it comes to certain seasons. He does a lot for his company and sometimes people don't even know how hard he works to get to where he is now.

My alpha had to work hard for his place!

Hikaru (my mate) and I have been together for almost five years. Courting for one and a half, mated for three and a half. We met in high school where Hikaru used to be a part of a Host Club. I wasn't really interested in it, that and I couldn't go to it considering I was a Luna and not a beta or an omega. Something about the club showing a dislike toward Luna's considering their alpha - like tendencies.

Despite my Luna gender, Hikaru had taken a liking toward me and offered to court me in my second year of high school. Then, in my third year, Hikaru and I had mated for the first time and we've been together ever. Never have we ever been happier with each other!

Now, back to present time, Hikaru and I live in a lovely two storey home with four bedrooms and two bathrooms. Not the mansion that Hikaru grew up in but it was big enough to say it was wealthy but small enough to be cosy. It was perfect for us and we couldn't love our home more.

Despite the dysfunction that most people consider happens within our relationship...

You see, Hikaru and I are an alpha couple. My Luna gender practically screams out that I'm a female alpha. I'm not built like the other girls considering a high percentage of them are either beta or omega. I'm much more taller and I have more muscle compared to them which makes fighting for dominance pretty hard (or so onlookers think). What people forget to put into the equation is that I'm a submissive Luna. Which is basically like an omegan beta.

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