You're The Only One For Me | Submissive!Tamaki x Dominant!Reader Lemon (Request)

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This is a request by sugarsuki

Maybe you could do a Submissive!Tamaki x Dominant!Reader lemon

Note : Contains Sexual Content! Face Sitting! Oral! Bondage! Riding! Dirty Talk! Sensory Deprivation!

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Your POV

Sighing softly, I look toward the clock ticking above the kitchen sink. The dinner resting on the dining table growing colder and colder by the second. The steak on the plate waiting to be eaten, which I had taken ages to cook and make perfect before tonight. The wine sitting in the cooler by the dining table awaiting to be popped open and drank. My heart shattering as the clock ticks another minute off as I realise that my boyfriend is in fact, late to our date.

Did he realise what he was doing to me?... Did my feelings not matter to him?... Has he realised how long we've gone without date night?... Did he not realise how much time and effort I put into this date?...

And I put a lot of effort into this date. I cleaned the house from top to bottom. I bought premium steak from the store, the one that I know he likes too (plus, it was hella expensive too!). I taught myself how to cook the said steak to the perfect rarity that Tamaki loves. I bought expensive wine, played soft music to set the mood. Even bought some things to play with for later...

And he didn't even bother to show up?...

It had been three months since we actually spent a night with one another. Tamaki using the excuse of being busy or having to finish paperwork on something or even blowing me off to hang out with his friends from high school. Only once did I have to refuse date night, and even then I offered to change the day... it really made me feel like he didn't want to be with me anymore...

Shaking my head, giving up on waiting for him, I push the wine back into the fridge. Reheating my meal, making sure that Tamaki's was left on the side, knowing that I shouldn't let it go to waste after all the effort I put into it. The microwave softly humming in the choking silence. Sipping softly at the small glass full of lemonade. Why did I think he'd come?

I was setting myself up for failure as soon as I began...

The door opens as the microwave dings. My hands gently taking the hot plate and setting it on the table. Avoiding all eye contact or attention toward my boyfriend, the blonde walking into the kitchen with a smile. Acting as if he didn't just ruin our date.

"Ooh! Dinner smells nice, my darling," Tamaki hums with a smile, eyeing the plate on the kitchen counter, "How was your day?"

"You're late, Tamaki," I reply, stabbing my steak harshly with my fork, glaring toward him as he sits opposite me, waiting for the microwave to heat up his dinner, "Whats your excuse this time? Haruhi needed help with something? Honey having a toothache?"

"I'm not late? Late to what?" Tamaki asks confused, tilting his head as he takes his dinner from the microwave, beginning to tuck into his meal, "Whats today?"

"Today?! Today, was our three year anniversary! Today would have been our first date in months!" I reply, my eyes twitching as I stare toward him, the male staring back at me with wide eyes

"That was today?!" Tamaki replies, just as shocked, staring toward me with a gasp, "Oh honey... I didn't know... I'm —"

"It was still a date, tonight, Tama," I groan rubbing the bridge of my nose with a sigh, shaking my head as he whines, "What were you doing? Huh?"

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