Why Haven't You Told Me? | Kyoya x Tamaki Lemon (Request)

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This is a request by LightningRapter

Can you do a Kyoya x Tamaki?
Scenario :
Tamaki is getting abused at home. He hides the fact that he is getting abused but Kyoya finds out when he noticed the bandages on Tamaki. Also, make it a lemon

Note : Contains domestic abuse and sexual content!

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Tamaki's POV

Wincing softly, I gently prod at the prominent bruise tainting my cheek, just below my eye. A large purple - blue bruise digging into my skin, forcing bullets of pain through my face every time I try to smile or even move my cheek. Luckily, my lip wasn't bruised (because that was very difficult to conceal). Sighing softly, I open one of my drawers, picking up the small makeup bag containing concealers and foundations, grabbing a little sponge brush before beginning to hide it. Expertly blending the foundation with my skin tone, making sure that the bruise was completely covered up, making sure all the dark parts had more on to make sure it didn't show before nodding, wiping my eyes softly of the tears threatening to spill.

A large gash ripped my arm open, from a bottle of wine smashing into my bare skin, glass practically shattering on impact. Softly crying out, I grab some tweezers, carefully removing shards of glass from the gash, wincing as pain shoots through my arm, making it weak. A hiss surfaces through the room as I softly wipe the bleeding cut with an antiseptic wipe, making sure that it couldn't get infected and wiping away any mini crystals that remained in my flesh. Then, very slowly and awkwardly, I wrap a bandage around my arm, tightly, making sure that it was secure before staring at my sad reflection in the mirror. A small sigh escaping my lips.

Despite being the most loved, most adored and most affectionate of the Host Club members, leading my honourable hosts to the highest admiration status ever, it wasn't all sunshines and rainbows in my life. At home, I couldn't be myself. My father, being under a lot of stress and pressure due to his job, took his frustration out on me. Every little thing annoyed him. If I spoke or even looked at him wrong, I would be slapped right around the face. Sometimes, I'd come home from Haruhi's house, my father swaying with a bottle of wine in his hand, then he'd turn around and just abuse me. The maids couldn't do anything, they try to help, they get hurt. So I had to beg them to stop intervening, not wanting to be the reason they're in pain.

I hated it so much...

It's not like I could tell anyone either, if I as much as opened my mouth to tell someone, I had visions of my dad yelling at me, pushing me around, stomping on my chest. I couldn't put myself through it! Last time I tried to tell someone, the words died on my lips. Always worrying about my image, fretting that if I even mention that I'm abused at home, people would see it as weakness, that the Host Clubs leader is weak... I couldn't do that!

"Tamaki- Sama," One of the maids speaks out, knocking on my bedroom door catching my attention, "The car is ready for your journey,"
"Thank you," I reply tying my tie up, nodding to my reflection before turning on my heel and heading toward the car

Upon arrival, I thank the chauffeur before heading toward the school, masking my solemn face with a happy smile, sending flirtatious glances toward girls as they begin gushing my way, holding their clasped hands by their chests with squeals echoing through the air. Waving toward the girls, I head toward Music Room #3, sending a smile toward Kyoya as he holds the door open for me. He often arrived first, getting everything set up, sorting out the budgets and money for the day, being the mama of the group.

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