Why Play Hard To Get? | Kyoya x Dominant!Male!Haruhi Lemon (Request)

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This is a request by katcalls

Could you do a Kyoya x Dom!Male!Haruhi? Where suddenly she's a he and he wants Kyoya to be his no matter what? Like forced love?

Note : Sexual content included!

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Kyoya's POV

Rolling my eyes softly, I arch a brow toward the short, short haired brunette winking my direction as he sits on one of the couches, a girl under his left arm and another girl under his right arm. His large brown orbs eyeing me up and down, playfully sending a kiss my way before looking to one of the women under his arms, saying a flirty one liner causing them to gush and fan themselves. Plates of fancy tuna line up in front of him, his eyes instantly lighting up with hunger as he begins to devour them, the girls beside him giggling and tucking into some themselves.

Chuckling softly, I look back down at my clipboard, recording down recent payments the host club has withdrawn today, sighing internally as the budget slowly dwindles away.

The brown haired boy eyeing me was a newcomer. One of the newest additions to the Host Club, fulfilling the roll of the 'bad boy' type or 'dominating' type. He joined Ouran Academy through a scholarship, being one of the smartest students (besides Honey and I) within the Host Club. Although he had dashingly good looks, an incredible smile with a gleaming set of teeth to pair up with, a dominating personality that would make anyone keel to his desires, he was rather common. He was one of the poorer students, only being here due to the scholarship.

The only reason he's part of the Host Club is because he owes the Club a large sum of money, not that he cares, he was rather, at first, reluctant to join, telling us how he could easily just leave the school and basically vanish from the face of the earth but something, I don't know what, changed his mind.

Not that I'm complaining, as he is a valuable asset to the club. However, his personality is, how you say, too much for some people (like me). At first, he came off rather neutral, not really having any standing out personality traits that could catch anyone's eye. Although, once he got comfortable, his whole persona changed. He became cocky, flirtatious, domineering, perverted and overall annoying, especially to me.

Girls adored it, wanting to ride on their sinful motorbike with him, fangirling at his boisterous behaviour. I never understood why. Maybe, it was because every girl had a hidden desire for a boy considered to be on the 'wrong side of the tracks' to ravish them.

Shrugging it off, I head to the table where stacks of magazines and doujinshi lay. Each pile representing each host. Photoshopped pictures of the twins among a bed of roses, holding each other dearly. A picture of Tamaki holding a rose to the camera, a wink painted across his face with a gentle smile. A picture with Honey surrounded by dozens of cakes, a cute smile dancing across his lips. A shoot of Mori, with Honey in his arms, looking at the smaller boy with care in his eyes. A picture of Haruhi, slightly shirtless, the hem of his shirt in his teeth as he smirks at the camera, really going for the bad boy persona.

Some girls often requested some magazines with certain couples in it, mainly Tamaki and I or Haruhi and I. God knows why girls loved them, however I couldn't complain, this raked in extra cash!

Girls instantly flocked the table, desperately snatching a copy off the desk, paying me a wad of bills before squealing in delight as they possess such lewd pictures of the boys they fantasised and pine for. Sending each girl an inviting smile as some shyly pick up a copy, flicking through it first before paying for it. However, it died down as quick as it opened, chasing a sigh of relief from my lips as I cash the money into our pot, smiling softly.

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