Hey, It's Okay | Kaoru x Suicidal!Reader (Request)

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This is a request by Rosetale_Frisk22

Can you make a Kaoru x Suicidal Reader?
The reader is Takashi/Mori's little sister and has a Male twin. Reader and her twin were very close but soon drift apart after reader had to move away for some reasons. Reader also made a promise that she'd start running so she can run wherever her twin is so they'll be together. However, years pass her twin starts ignoring her and saying things that emotionally hurt her then she stumbles upon the host club and met the twins. One time her twin (who's very popular) got fed up (after she tried getting close but he's scared she'll leave him so he closes his heart) and told her things she never wanted to hear from him and Kaoru felt how the reader was feeling so after she ran away to somewhere and attempted suicide he chased after her and stops her. Honey and Mori already know about her depression and revealed it when they scolded her twin. Kyoya doesn't, he only knows the fake information about her.
Thank you

Note : Suicide attempt and thoughts! I have tried to describe the attempt in as little detail as possible as to not upset anyone!

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Your POV

Confused, I look toward a hoard of squealing girls, gushing at the sight that was inside Music Room #3. Clasping their hands at their chest, their eyes shaped like hearts as they stare inside. Some girls were pushing, desperate to get inside. Some girls were hanging back, possibly trying to make it look like they weren't interested when in fact their lips were being tortured by their front teeth. Some girls were fanning themselves, their beet red faces telling a passerby that whatever they were seeing flustered them. What could get a girl so worked up like that?

Checking to see what the commotion was about, I slowly peer into the room, eyes widening at the sight before me. There, right in front of the door, stood seven males. Each posing in certain ways, inviting each woman in with a flirtatious or seducing smile. Groaning internally, I notice my older brother Mori, standing tall with my cousin, Honey, in his arms, the blonde scoffing down a piece of strawberry cake. Eyes widening as Honey clocks me, an excited squeal exiting his lips as he bounds toward me.

"(Y/n) - chan!" He squeals taking my hands in his as he drags me toward the group of males before pulling me into a hug, "I missed you!"
"Hi, Honey - Senpai," I reply ruffling his blonde locks, "I missed you too,"

Behind us, strong arms wrap around both Honey and I, pulling us into his chest with one strong motion. Giggling softly, I look up to see Mori (my older brother), smiling softly I kiss his cheek, leaning into his touch.

From here, I could get a closer look at the other boys. One was a bright blonde boy, who seemed to be the ringleader of them all, with bright welcoming eyes. Beside him, stood a tall boy with black hair, glasses resting happily on his nose, between the two stood a short girl with masculine brown hair (obviously she's female but somehow girls seemed to think she was male). All three were rather attractive in their own way. The blonde, seeming like the 'Prince Charming' type of guy, a rose in his hand. The one with glasses seeming like the cool and collected type. The brunette just a natural, easy going type. However, what caught my eye, were the two auburn haired twins on the other side of the chair. One had their hair swept to the left, one had their hair swept to the right, a way to depict who was who clearly.

"Honey - Senpai, who's this?" The brunette asks smiling softly
"This is Takashi's little sister, (Y/n)!" Honey replies giggling softly, "(Y/n) - chan, this is Tamaki - chan, Haru - chan, Kyoya - Senpai, Hikaru - Senpai and Kaoru - Senpai!"

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