I Can't Lose You... | Kyoya x Sick!Reader (Request)

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This is a request by Rosetale_Frisk22

A Kyoya x Mori's Sister
Reader is Mori's younger sister who has a weak body and a heart disease that's why she's home schooled. Then one day She went to Ouran to visit her brother and cousin and boom, Kyoya and reader meet. Then Kyoya found out that she's admitted to one of his hospitals often and takes an interest in her. She often visits the host club frequently and the host club soon notice something developing between them though they don't notice it and Mori becomes more overprotective of reader because of her condition. Then during one of her visits, she has a heart attack and that's what makes Kyoya confess to her as he's terrified of losing her. Mori is also extra affectionate with the reader. She calls Mori 'Taka-Nii' or 'Taka-Nii-San' and Honey as 'Mitsuku-Nii'

Note : Mentions of Heart Attack!

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Your POV

Releasing a small hum, I walk through the grand halls of Ouran Academy, occasionally leaning against the wall, trying to catch my breath, wincing every time a shot of pain stabs through my chest, making it difficult to breathe. Slowly, I slide across the wall, using it as support, making sure my legs don't buckle under my weight unexpectedly as I practically hobbled toward Music Room #3. However, despite my drawbacks, I push on, motivated to go and see my older brother, wanting to see what he's been up to while he's been at school, interested about what it's like to be in a school.

Unfortunately, when I was born, I was diagnosed with a critical heart condition where I could go into cardiac arrest at any moment. Living practically most of my years either in a hospital bed, pinned up to an IV line and having doctors check my heart rate every couple of hours, feeding me little to no sweets and a lot of healthier foods. Due to being bed ridden most of my days, it was often rather difficult to get around, often being carried by my older brother, Takashi Morinozuka, around the house so I didn't fall and hurt myself. I wasn't allowed to go to a school. The doctors would hire a teacher to come in and teach me or I'd be at home in my room, listening to an old woman drone on about Maths.

Finally, I manage to stumble across the wooden double doors, smiling triumphantly that I managed to do this without anyone's help. Even without a wheelchair and my IV liner attached to my wrist every three seconds. With a deep breath, I push the doors open, smiling giddily, confused as rose petals fly out the door. Behind the door stood seven males. Two of them being my older brother, Mori, and my cousin, Honey.

Instantly, Mori sets Honey down from his shoulders, his eyes widening as he hurries by my side, gently hooking his arm under my knees and holding one at the small of my back, picking me up bridle style. Breathing softly, I lean into his chest, wincing as my chest pulls, holding my hands to his shoulders as he walks toward a couch, ignoring the stares the other guys were sending him while Honey was fluffing up at pillow, sending me a huge smile. Mori sits me down on the couch, Honey hands me Usa - Chan as Mori tucks my hair behind my ear.

"What are you doing here, (Y/n)?" Mori asks, "You should be in bed..."
"I wanted to visit you, Taka - nii," I reply, giggling softly as Honey runs over with some cake, "You know I can't eat cake, Mitsuku - nii, it's not good for my health,"
"How can you even live?" Honey whines, taking a mouthful, "I don't think I could live without cake..."
"Mori - Senpai," I hear someone call out, both men turning around looking at a brunette, "Who's this?"
"This is Takashi's little sister, (Y/n) - chan!" Honey replies, giggling as I send them all a small smile, "She's got a heart condition so be careful with her!"

Sending a small wave their way, I give them all a friendly smile, hugging Usa - Chan to my chest as each male introduces themselves. Tamaki, was their leader, the boss of the Host Club they were all a part of, who was rather flirtatious in his advances which caused Mori to glare his way and hold me close which made Tamaki rush into the corner. Haruhi, although rather masculine, was a girl, she was really sweet and I think Mori has some sort of soft spot in his heart for her because he was at ease as she held my hands. Like he trusted her. The twins, Hikaru and Kaoru, were rather playful and mischievous with each other, Mori was rather skeptical about leaving them with me.

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