My Cupcake | Honey x Reader Lemon (Request)

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This is a request by Inktheartist08

Will you do a Honey - Senpai x Reader Lemon

Note : This is a lemon! Contains sexual content!

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Your POV

Smiling delightfully, I pull out two chocolate cake bases, setting them gently on the cooling rack. A sweet aroma dancing around the kitchen. The remaining cake batter sitting in the happily in a bowl as I scoop it up with my wooden spoon, licking it off with a hum of delight. A batch of cookies lay softly in a small basket, ready to be taken and eaten. Some pastries sitting on small plates, accompanied by jams and clotted creams. A couple of shortbreads shaped into hearts and stars laying inside another wicker basket. Some chocolate treats drizzled with white chocolate with little sweet curds inside, rest among some brownies. Sweet treats just ready to be devoured.

From day to day, what kept me going was baking treats for everyone around me. Sure, I had maids and cooks that can cook for me but I enjoy making things from scratch. I enjoyed making a mess in the kitchen. Enjoying turning a bunch of ingredients into something amazing. When I was older, I dreamed of owning a large chain of patisseries and bakeries, selling sweet treats to everyone, sharing new flavour combinations and making people smile.

Softly placing the pads of my fingers into the cakes, I nod as it's at a cool temperature smiling excitedly as I pull out some chocolate fondant icing, beginning to decorate the cake. Setting raspberries around the edge, with a strawberry cut into a rose in the centre, dusting it off with some powdered sugar. A simple yet striking design.

Suddenly, the door of the kitchen flies open, revealing my very close friend, Honey - Senpai. His eyes greedily laying on all the sweet treats available, ready for him to take. A large, excited grin plays on his face as he skips in, his pink bunny in his arms, pulling me into a hug. The blonde third year giggling like a little boy at Christmas. However, something seemed off, he had a white cloth wrapped around his head, a knot on top making it look like he had bunny ears.

"(Y/n) - chan!" He sings happily, his mouth salivating at the newly decorated cake, "You made cake! Can I have a slice? Please (Y/n) - Chan! I love your baking! Ooh! Maybe just a biscuit! Please!"
"Hey, Honey - Senpai," I say smiling softly, rubbing his back, "Whats going on? Why do you have that on your head?"
"Takashi won't let me have any treats!" He cries looking up at me with his adorable brown eyes, they softly glass over as small tears fall down his cheeks, "You'll give me treats, (Y/n) - chan! Pretty please!"
"Why won't Mori - Senpai give you any sweets?" I ask looking worried, softly wiping his tears, "What happened?"
"I have a cavity," he whimpers snuggling his face into my chest, "Please (Y/n) - chan! I want cake!"
"Okay, Honey - Senpai," I soothe, rubbing his cheeks, "But it'll be our little secret,"

Honey's eyes instantly brighten, a beaming smile dancing across his face as I cut a slice of cake, letting it drop onto the plate. Grabbing a fork, I sit by Honey, feeding him little forkfuls at a time, guiding him to eat it on the other side of his mouth to avoid irritating the cavity. Smiling softly as his little face brightens up with each mouthful. It felt good to make Honey smile, seeing him sad always made everyone worry and try everything in their power to make him smile. However, I had to be vigilant, going against Mori - Senpai practically meant death. I knew Mori knew what was best for Honey but how could I say no to his cute little face.

The relationship between Honey - Senpai and I was very complicated to say the least. Since childhood, we've been really close. Always staying by each other's side, playing with each other during recess, Honey protecting me from bullies while I fed him cakes and sweets. However, I wanted more. I loved having Honey around, having him by my side, cuddling with him from time to time. With him being part of the Host Club, I always had a jealous feeling stabbing at my stomach. So I always cherished moments alone with the Lolita third year.

Ouran High School Host Club x Reader Oneshots/LemonsWhere stories live. Discover now