Don't Wake Him Up! | Honey x Reader Lemon (Request)

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This is a request by Blood_Wolf96

I request a Mitsukuni x reader lemon

Note : Contains Sexual Content!

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Your POV

The Host Club and I were currently round their leaders manor, staying the night for a sleepover, wanting to celebrate the new blossoming relationship between Tamaki - San and Haru - Chan. Much to Haruhi's dismay, Tamaki wanted to make a huge celebration, basically wanting to tell everyone that he knew about him finally being a part of his dream relationship, however, after a lot of goading from Haruhi and I, Tamaki reluctantly settled for a sleepover with the members and I as well as a small party on the Friday with a handful of the regulars.

Releasing a small smile, I sit down on one of the cushioned seats, setting my hands on my lap, I look toward the other Host members, bar Honey - Senpai, each of us sitting in the shape of a deformed circle, ready to delve into a game of Truth or Dare. Each of us plotting ways to get back at certain people, ways to drag the truth out of others.

Meanwhile, Honey - Senpai, under Mori - Senpai's instructions and command, was put to bed a lot earlier than the rest of us, due to having quite a rather busy day today, already yawning like mad as soon as we were all in our comfy clothes ready to start watching a movie. He was in one of the many bedrooms within Tamaki - san's home, cuddled up to Usa - chan, little snores escaping his lips while swaddled in the bed sheets. To not disturb him, we all moved into the grand hall, deciding to keep ourselves entertained until we decided to turn in.

Currently, we were all staring at each other, some smirks playing across Kyoya and Tamaki's lips as they stare my way, deviating a dare between them while I send a soft smile to Mori, awaiting my death sentence. Suddenly, Tamaki clears his throat, catching me off as I turn my attention to the blonde, sending him a friendly smile before it falters as he grins devilishly my way, an evil smirk on Kyoya's lips.

"What are you planning?" I ask, a small hint of fear crawling up my spine, "I'm not gonna die am I?"
"Well..." Tamaki begins before sending me a sickly sweet smile, "We'll see..."
"What are you having me do?" I ask with wide eyes, sparing a quick glance toward Haruhi who shrugs sweat dropping with a small chuckle, "Tamaki - san! Kyoya - san!"

Paling softly, I watch with wide eyes as they both look at each other nodding, like two scheming children ready to make their teachers life a living hell. I felt my heart beating rapidly in my chest as their eyes focus on me.

"Well, after a lot of deliberation, (Y/n) - Senpai," Kyoya begins pushing his glasses up his face, "We have decided on a dare you,"
"What is it?" I ask, anticipating the worst of the worst, as I pray
"We dare you to wake Honey - Senpai," Tamaki instructs pointing my way with a grin
"No bad blood or anything, (Y/n) - Senpai," Kyoya explains with a smile, "It's just business,"

Shaking my head with a small whine, petrified. Wake up Honey - Senpai. Everyone knew, hands down, that trying to wake up the small Loli was an instant death sentence. It was suicide. Although Honey - Senpai, the adorable little cinnamon roll he was, is the most kindest and possessed a gentle nature, if you ever woke him up, he'd instantly turn, growing angrier by the second. One time, by accident, Tamaki woke him up and he is still haunted by the memories of waking the older male. Sending a pained gaze toward the remaining hosts, all of them shaking their heads, refusing to pull me out of this situation.

Taking a deep breath, I stand up, glaring daggers toward the two second years, before slowly trudging toward the bedroom that held the little bunny cuddling male. Running a hand through my hair nervously as I slowly open the door, wincing as it creaks. Instantly, I freeze, looking toward the mound in the bed, watching as it stirs softly before resting, a small little groan escaping his lips. Sighing in relief, I gently shut the door behind me, leaning on it as I look up at the ceiling, internally praying that I don't die.

Ouran High School Host Club x Reader Oneshots/LemonsWhere stories live. Discover now