I... I Don't Understand... | Kyoya x Reader (Request)

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This is a request by Unicorn_girl071

Host x The Hikaru Twins sister reader. In which the reader has a child with one of the hosts but runs away only to have to come back to that host years later. The host figuring out its their child. I would like to see this done with Kyoya.

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Your POV

Coughing and hacking up into the toilet wasn't the best way of starting the day, to say the least. That weak feeling settling in the pit of my stomach, like a heavy stone. My eyes water softly as I stare at the water at the bottom of the toilet, my lips parting as I gag. My hair splaying across the toilet bowl as I spit out the remnants of sick from my mouth, a tired groan leaving my lips. My body hunching over the toilet bowl in a rather unflattering way. My hands tightly gripping onto the toilet seat, arms shaking slightly, legs feeling weak. Body on fire.

Taking a shaky breath, I slowly pull myself away from the toilet, slamming the lid down before flushing the puke away. Disgusting. My mouth felt putrid. The unbearable acidic taste sinking into my gums as I look at my bedraggled reflection in the mirror. My hair still needed taming. Dark eye bags form underneath my eyes making me feel and look more tired than I already am. As I inspect my reflection, I grab my toothpaste and squirt some onto my toothbrush before brushing my teeth. A small sigh leaving my lips.

Why did I have to get sick? Today, of all days, was supposed to be a great day for me! It wasn't going to be your usual, stressful day full of breakdowns and panic attacks. It was going to be a great day. Full to the brim of having fun, smiling and just having time to relax. That's what I was waiting for all week. I needed some time to rewind!

Of course I had to get sick!

Spitting out the toothpaste filled spit, I put my toothbrush away before reluctantly leaving the bathroom. My stomach churning with every step that I took. Each step that I made, my whole body felt heavy. Like I had weights hanging off my every limp and every part finny skin. What was going on? Did I have a fever? Perhaps a stomach bug? A small groan leaves my lips as I get into the dining room, my stomach swirling into mush as the smell of freshly cooked bacon fills the air.

At the dining table, sat my younger twin brothers, Hikaru and Kaoru, digging into their bacon and eggs. Already clad in their emblem - encrusted pale blue jacket of Ouran Academy. Ready to go to school. The pair of them were heartthrobs in our school, being part of the host club that all the girls adored. Both of them playing around with their food with a little laugh.

"Good morning, (Y/n), how did you — woah..." Hikaru, my younger brother, begins to speak up before freezing in place as he takes in my appearance. My tired, sleazy and bedraggled appearance. Kaoru, Hikaru's younger twin, staring at me worried as I slowly sink into the dining chair, "Are you okay? What's happened?"

"I don't feel very well," I mumble softly, sitting down at my seat at the table, trying to ignore the fact that Kaoru shifts away from me slightly. A small sigh leaving my lips as I run my fingers through my hair, "God I feel rough..."

"Well you look it," Kaoru comments, biting back a laugh as I glare toward him, Hikaru snickering behind him with a snarky grin. The twins grinning toward each other to compliment one another on the little jeer before turning back to me, "Are you sick?"

Before I could reply, Kaoru pushes away from his seat from the dining table before heading toward me. He rests his hand against my forehead, checking the exterior temperature of my forehead before humming gently. Kaoru tilting his head confused for a second before teetering out of the dining room for a couple of seconds before walking back in with a thermometer. He gently lets me take it into my mouth before waiting a couple of seconds, sticking his tongue out toward his brother as Hikaru snorts at Kaoru being all motherly.

Ouran High School Host Club x Reader Oneshots/LemonsWhere stories live. Discover now