I'm All Yours | Yandere!Kyoya x Submissive!Reader Lemon (Request)

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This is a request by BR7566

I have a request. Yandere!Kyoya x Submissive!Reader please. Please make it a lemon.
Note : Contains Sexual Content and Violence!

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Your POV

Releasing a small sigh, I sit on a small park bench, running my fingers through my hair as I lean back. Drinking in the sight of the empty park. A small summer breeze whispering through the air, the swings softly creaking, swinging in the wind. A small shiver running down my spine, causing me to recoil, wrapping my cardigan tighter around my body as I look down at the floor, small tears bunching into the corner of my eyes.

Pulling my knees to my chest, hugging my legs as I look up at the sky, watching as it turns from a sky blue to a deep navy, the sun slowly setting upon the day, turning day into night. Forcing my tears to stay in my eyes, refusing to let them fall after enduring what I had to go through, not wanting to show any passers by or any strangers my upset, not wanting to draw any attention.

I couldn't put up with the violence. I couldn't handle the stress of the whole situation anymore. Always on the edge of my seat, constantly worrying what will happen if I even look at a guy the wrong way. My heart always threatening to break free from my chest. Always stepping into school, head down, pulling my cardigan tightly over my body, letting my hair cover my face, trudging into school to try and avoid any confrontation with anyone. Always making sure that I didn't do anything out of turn to rile up my boyfriend...

If that's what you could call him.

Upon first meeting him, he would always make my heart flutter, always managing to cause butterflies to flutter around my stomach. My heart would almost burst at the sight of his black locks, the cute little habit he has of pushing his glasses up on his face. The way he'd always have that glint in his glasses ever since he was up to something would always make me flush red. The way he'd always stay up late, making sure that I'd fall asleep happy, making sure that nothing would awake me... often allowing me to sleep in his bed while he sat at his desk working. Letting me have a good nights sleep...

Then, after dating him for a year, he changed drastically. Forcing me to take classes alone. Paying the teachers, and the school, to make sure that I have a teacher the same gender as I. Forcing me to stop all contact with any of the Host Club members, telling me lies and rumours, forcing me to ignore them. Kyoya, ignoring every little protest I made, forced me to move in with him, forcing me to wear whatever he wanted, forcing me to do whatever he wanted. His parents didn't care about me, they were happy Kyoya landed himself a 'girlfriend'. His brothers didn't care, they had better things to worry about. His sister didn't even care, only voicing her concern once before keeping tight lipped the next day...

I found out Kyoya had threatened everyone. Telling them that if any of them communicated with me in any way, he would hurt them in ways that would make a murderers work look like child play. Intimidating everyone into not talking to me, forcing them to avoid me.

I wasn't in a relationship... I was in a cage.

The only way I could escape the suffocating atmosphere: having a small stroll through a park. However, he'd have at least five of his personal police squad keeping their eyes on me. Making sure that I didn't make a runner. Making sure that I didn't escape. Not wanting to not only anger Kyoya but to lose me...

I tried once.

I ended up getting tied up to his bed, the tightest handcuffs chafing my wrists. He didn't do anything too drastic. Just kept me in his room for two weeks. When I needed the toilet, he'd practically drag me to where I needed to be. It wasn't nice. It was forceful. Rude. Discomforting... it didn't feel like love anymore... it was being held against my will, forced into a relationship I didn't even want anymore.

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