Why Won't You Do Anything? | Kyoya x Bullied!Reader (Request)

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This is a request by Arialefray

Kyoya x Bullied!Reader

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Your POV

Keeping myself as small as possible, I hold my books to my chest as tightly as my arms and body will allow. My eyes cast to the floor to avoid everyone's eye contact and to avoid making any more enemies than I already have. My elbows tucked to my sides to avoid bumping into anyone and to avoid allowing anyone the satisfaction of doing it on purpose. I couldn't give anyone else more ammunition than they needed to make me feel less of a human being.

I just needed today to just go away and go as quickly as possible. That's all I ask for.

The quicker I get home. The quicker my nightmare can end....

Sniffling to myself, I politely wait for the student in front of my locker to move out of the way before quickly putting the code into the lock. My head angled down to try and shield my face with my hair to avoid anyone from trying to start a conversation. A small sigh leaving my lips as I load my books into the locker and grab my bento box from the top shelf. My stomach greedily yelling for food as I slam my locker shut and punch the code in.

Once finished and adjusting myself so my lunch was tightly held to my chest instead of out in the open for anyone to take and dump over me, I begin my way down the corridor. A small sigh leaving my lips as I weave in and out of students, trying to avoid anything interactive. My heart in my throat as I squeeze through crowds of people.

This felt like a mission. My palms were undeniably sweating uncomfortably while my forehead creased with worry. My ribs felt like they were going to be cracked open with how hard my heart is going. My lungs almost felt empty as my breathing began to become shallow. I just needed to get to the music room. That's it.

So why was it taking so long?!

Taking a deep breath and closing my eyes to try and psyche myself up, I push through the crowd of people. Muttering soft apologies whenever I accidentally bump into someone harder than I needed too before scarpering off fo avoid giving them the airtime to harass me and call me names.

A big wave of relief crashes into me like a warm hug as I finally get to Music Room #3. My lips slowly contorting into a little smile and I push the doors open slowly, edging my way into the small crack I make before letting the door shut silently behind me. The men of the host club turn to look at me and send me a smile and a wave making me feel comfortable. Knowing that I'm at least in a place where I wasn't going to get bullied or penalised for being myself. A feeling of security keeping me grounded as I settle with a smile on my lips and walk through the room toward my boyfriend who's going over things on his clipboard.

Giggling to myself, I jump onto him from behind and wrap my arms around him making him jolt slightly before relaxing into my grip with a curt chuckle. The male then turns in my grasp to look at me and presses a soft kiss to my forehead making me blush gently and hide my face in his perfect chest.

Kyoya Ootori. The definition of perfect in almost everyone's opinion. The silent, stoic and intimidating host of the host club yet rumoured to be sweet, kind and romantic. Possessing gorgeous midnight black hair and piercing brown eyes that could make anyone drop to their knees. One of, if not the most, attractive male of the school.

And somehow I managed to bag him.

With my... rapport with the school, it seemed almost impossible for someone like me to date someone as high ranking and as popular as Kyoya. It was almost unheard of in most cases too...

Ouran High School Host Club x Reader Oneshots/LemonsWhere stories live. Discover now