Meet Me Upstairs In Ten Minutes | Mori x Reader Lemon (Request)

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This is a request by Rosetale_Frisk22

A Mori x Reader please
Reader is part of a family that also specialises in martial arts and they even have their own dojo. Mori and the reader first met when they were kids, when Honey and Mori's parents were invited to readers house and became friends. Then years after, the reader goes to a different school as them but they stay in contact, sometimes the reader visits Mori and vice versa. Reader is an outgoing type and they have a 'friends with benefits' type of relationship. Can this be a lemon too.

Warning : Contains Sexual Content! Oral! Fingering!

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Your POV

The constant chatter amongst the girls in my school fill my ears as I walk through the corridors, holding my school books to my chest, squeezing through the array of girls flocking around the entrance, staring excitedly at the two males exiting the limo parked right by the gate. Suddenly, the girls squeal, grabbing and shaking each other at the sight of boys arriving at the school.

Unfortunately, I go to an all girls school. My father telling me that I needed to hang around more girls my ages instead of being friends with just boys. Not saying I don't have any friends that are girls, I have plenty, it's just I appreciate a guys company over a girls. So whenever boys turned up at the school, mainly them being my friends from childhood, the girls in the school would fall head over heels, complimenting them, screaming at them to date them, wanting to get at least some sort of interaction with a guy. Most of the girls never actually allowed being around a guy due to strict parenting.

Finally, after pushing my way to the front, I send a bubbly giggle toward them, watching as Honey (one of my close friends) happily wave toward the girls with a bright smile, holding Usa - chan close to his chest with a squeal, holding onto Mori's (my other close friend) hand. Shaking my head, I stride over to them, pulling both of them into a hug, kissing their cheeks gently (in a friendly manner!) with a smile, ruffling Honey's hair as he squeals out my name.

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask, sending them a happy smile, "Aren't you supposed to be at your Host Club? Kyoya - Kun will murder you both,"

"Takashi and I wanted to see you, (Y/n) - Chan!" Honey chirps, playing with Usa - Chan's arms, sending the girls staring a bright grin as they coo

"Awww, you guys miss me that much?" I tease, giggling as Mori releases a small chuckle, "Taking a break from acting all lovey dovey? I have some spare food in my lunch box, we can sit on the field and eat,"

"It's okay, (Y/n) - chan! We brought cake!" Honey squeals, giggling softly as Mori sets down a small red and white checkered picnic blanket on the grassy terrain by the school, plopping himself down on it with a giggle

Mori smiles softly, sitting beside Honey with me sitting opposite the cousins, opening my bento box, grabbing the chopsticks from their little container before beginning to dig into my lunch, smiling as Honey eagerly digs into his cake. Mori settling for something savoury, digging into some finger sandwiches he had packed with him.

"So how are you, (Y/n)?" Mori asks, staring at me, sending me a small smile as I run my fingers through my hair, releasing a bubbly giggle

"I'm great," I reply beaming toward him, swallowing a mouthful of rice, "I mean, I've had a pretty good day, only downfall is the stress of exams. Teachers are piling work upon work on us and they expect us to study too! It's insane!"

"I'm sure you'll do great, you're amazing at your subjects," Mori reassures me, rubbing my arm gently, a soft kiss to my temple before murmuring, "Kyoya and Tamaki have been driving me up the wall recently..."

Ouran High School Host Club x Reader Oneshots/LemonsWhere stories live. Discover now