What Is Wrong With You? | Jealous!Hikaru x Reader (Request)

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This is a request by ChoiiSoyeon

Could you please do a Jealous!Hikaru x Reader. Where Hikaru gets jealous when he sees Y/n speaking with her childhood friend and gets protective.

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Your POV

Tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, I stroll down the pavement with a bright smile on my lips. My earbuds in my ears blasting my favourite playlist full of songs that I absolutely adore, a soft hum leaving my lips as I mumble the words to myself. An upbeat swell of pride rushing through me as I smile happily toward complete strangers that I walk past, even sending a wave toward some friends at school as I pass them. The girls sending me a bright smile back as they walk past before going back onto their phones to do whatever.

As I stop at a green light, pressing the little button at a pedestrian crossing, I look around at the signs to make sure I'm heading the right way. Excitement bubbling away in my gut as the light goes red and the little person lights up green to allow me and other civilians walking with me to cross the road. Allowing me to get closer and closer to my destination. The smile on my lips unable to tear away from my face as I head down the sidewalk excitedly.

Today, after not seeing him for two years, I was finally going to see my childhood friend!

One of my closest friends, Hiroshi Huung, was back from his eighteen month vacation abroad to the Caribbean Islands after his parents had a rather huge business opportunity. I spent my whole childhood spending my days running around his manor, playing hide and seek with one another and scaring the maids silly. We'd always make pillow forts and play princess and princes. We'd chase each other across the garden and hide in the shrubs until the gardener tells us off. We were practically joined to the hip since birth too.

Since he's back in Japan, he decided to invite me out for a nice lunch to catch up over the two years we haven't seen one another then have a walk through the park for a bit of a wind down before going home. I couldn't wait! We were going to have so much fun! I've been looking forward for this day for ages!

As I walk into the town centre; looking around for my friend, my phone goes off making me giggle gently and pull it from my purse. Pressing my thumb against the home button I'm greeted with a message sent from my boyfriend, a smile on my lips as I open the phone and go into my messages.

Hey baby, you wanna go out
today? There's a new restaurant
I've been wanting to visit. Sound
Sent 12:43

Sorry Hika, I can't come this afternoon
but how about we go for dinner instead?
I'm going out with a friend for the day
and I haven't seen them for a while xx
Sent 12:43

Okay! I'll sort a reservation
for half seven, have fun with your
friend angel!
Sent 12:44

Thank you Hika! I love you xx
Sent 12:44

I love you more angel xx
Sent 12:44

Releasing a small giggle, I pocket my phone away and begin looking around in search for Hiroshi. My eyes widening in happiness as I notice that head of golden blonde hair, a bright squeal leaving my lips as I dash toward him and wrap my arms around him as he cheers and wraps his arms around my waist, spinning around gently with a laugh before pressing a kiss to my forehead. Huge smiles playing on our lips as we look toward one another with a giggle.

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