365 Reasons Why Kaoru x Depressed!Reader (Request)

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This is a request by moonstone777

Could you please do a Kaoru x depressed reader where he gives the reader reasons to live everyday

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Your Pov

A small sigh escapes my lips, leaning against the tree on the top of a lonely hill, by a lonely bunch of flowers. The wind blowing solemnly through the air, forcing the pattering rain my way. The rain was coming done like mad, soaking my dress through to my underwear, my hair drenched, looking like I just walked out of a shower. My shoes, my new pumps that my mom bought me, were sodden, my feet damp and cold. Talk about the weather matching my feelings.

Small tears fall down my cheek, quite thankful that the rain was covering up my tears, hiding the fact that I was crying. Yet again, I got bullied by the girls that are huge fans of the Host Club. Telling me that I'm never going to get a boyfriend. Telling me that no one will fall in love with me. Telling me that I'm never going to have anyone like me or even love me... Telling me I'm so unpopular...

Sadly, I spoke my mind...

Unfortunately, for me, I disagreed with them. Telling them that being popular isn't a must, you don't have to be popular to have friends, you don't have to be popular to fall in love and you don't have to be popular to be pretty. Being unpopular isn't the end of the world, it's good to be unpopular, it shows that you're not following everyone else, that you're standing tall, standing out... being individual, not following everyone else's trends and fashion statements. Being their own person.

"I'm so stupid," I mutter wiping my eyes, sniffling, "They're all right... No one will ever love me..."

Sighing soflty, I sniffle, letting out a small gasp of confusion as rain stops pattering down on me, my wet form looking around. My eyes instantly land on an umbrella handle, a hand wrapped around it. Blushing softly, I move the umbrella to the side to see Kaoru, the younger twin of the Hitachiin twins, standing there with a smile on his face. A larger blush crawls up my face, looking at him with wide eyes, as he pushes the handle closer to me, smiling sweetly. 

"Hey, you okay?" He asks sitting next to me, ignoring the fact that the ground beneath him was wet, "I don't want you to be alone, you'll catch a cold with nothing to keep you warm,"

Suddenly, my back feels heavier, I look back to see Kaoru's black jacket resting on my back. He smiles soflty, leaning the umbrella against the tree bark, to pull the jacket around my body, he helps me slide my arms through the holes, smiling soflty as he zips it up, pressing a soft, dainty kiss to my forehead. A blush crawls up my face as I snuggle into the warm, leaning against Kaoru's body. He wraps his arm around my shoulders, rubbing my arm sympathetically, leaning into me smiling.

"Won't you get cold?" I ask looking up at him, wiping my eyes from the raindrops and tears, "I don't want to be a burden,"
"You're not burdening me," He says, "You're upset, I want to help you, I don't want you to be sad (Y/n),"
"Well... it's hard not to be sad when everyone is against you," I reply sighing soflty, "No one likes me because I'm not popular like you or the others... but that shouldn't matter yet everyone thinks it does! It annoys me how everyone has to be mean to me when they have their little 'posse' around them... does it make them feel stronger picking on someone weaker than them?..."
"It's not worth picking on someone," Kaoru says, "It makes me feel bad when I do... you shouldn't be put through that... so I've made you something, to keep you going,"

Confusion sweeps over me until he lays a small A5 book on my sodden lap. The front cover was a soft red colour with love hearts scattered over it, the words '365 Reasons Why I Love You' were written in Kaoru's hand. Looking up at the giver, I cover my mouth, looking at the first page, blushing soflty at the words 'You always know how to make me smile' with a picture of Kaoru and I at a photo booth smiling soflty. I quickly scatter through the book smiling as I see all of our little pictures of shenanigans and seflies.

Tears well up in my eyes as I begin to cry. Kaoru's kindness warmed my heart... Kaoru gasps, worried he upset me.

"Are you okay?" He asks frantically, "Is it okay? Do you not like it?"
"No. I love it," I say wiping the tears of joy from my face, "Kaoru, this is so sweet,"
"You deserve it," he says kissing my cheek, "I love you and I want to make you happy every day of the year, so in the morning, you turn to the date it is and look at the little things that you do to make me happy and the reasons why I love you so much,"
"Thank you so much," I say kissing his cheek, "I love you too,".

"Whenever those girls bully you again, come to me and I'll sort them out"...

Ouran High School Host Club x Reader Oneshots/LemonsWhere stories live. Discover now