Are You Serious?! | Hikaru x Boyish!Soulmate!Reader (Request) ~Soulmate AU~

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This is a request by Ry_Zia22

I'd like to request a Hikaru x Boyish!Reader please
It's another soulmate AU wherein you and your soulmate have matching tattoos and it glows a certain colour if the one of you touches the others. Hikaru and the reader are gonna be enemies in this one and they always fight whenever they meet. Because of this, Tamaki thought it would be nice if the two of them become friends so he invites (drags) reader to the beach with them. He somehow manages to have the reader wear a swimsuit that shows their tattoo and Hikaru eventually finds out they're his soulmate (in the middle of bickering with her). Readers also going to have short wavy hair

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Your POV

"Come on Tamaki, hurry up and take your damn work!"

Cursing under my breath, I glare toward my blonde friend who's in the middle of an appointment. His work in my hands, the work that he needs to complete before the end of the day. Something that he managed to miss in lesson. The baby faced male grinning playfully toward me before he blatantly ignores my presence. A small sigh leaving my lips as the girl under his arms giggles and looks toward him with a bright smile, Tamaki's eyes shining with mischief. That only means one thing, Tamaki has something up his privileged little sleeves. What could it be?

What is he up to?

Shaking my head, annoyed, I cross my arms over my chest with his homework in my hands. My eyebrows twitching as he waves me off with a waving hand gesture. Rolling my eyes, I hand the stack of paper to, Tamaki's soulmate, Kyoya who chuckles and shakes his head. The male smirking to himself as he places it on the pile of paperwork that he'll end up doing for hoe boyfriend anyway before pushing his glasses up his nose.

"Don't worry about that, I'll sort it out," Kyoya hums, sending me a reassuring yet rather discomforting smile, "You worry about finding yourself a soulmate before you die alone,"

"Wow, Kyoya, you kiss Tamaki with that mouth?" I ask crossing my arms over my chest arching a brow as he bites back a small chuckle, the older male rolling his eyes, "I don't need a bloody soulmate, they're a waste of time,"

"(Y/n) could never get a soulmate anyway, Kyoya, she's too boyish! Who would want her?"

Cursing under my breath, my eye twitches as I turn around to see a smirking Hikaru Hitachiin staring at me with his hand on his hip. Kyoya groaning to himself as he shakes his head and rubs his temple. The megane glaring toward the auburn haired male as if to tell him to shut up before he makes things worse.

"What did you say?" I ask glaring toward him, narrowing my eyes toward the two girls trying to pull him away making them squeak and rush off like little mice, "Last time I checked, you weren't part of the conversation, Hitachiin,"

"Last time I checked, you weren't part of the Host Club nor are you a paying customer," Hikaru hums walking toward me with a scowl, trying to intimidate me making me roll my eyes with a scoff, "Why are you here anyway? You're clearly making everyone uncomfortable,"

"Oh please, I'm sure seeing your stick ass makes them even more uncomfortable," I hum playfully with a smirk, as I poke his forehead making him scoff and flick my nose making me squeak and hold it gently before glaring, "Why can't you have a girlfriend again? Oh yeah! Because you're in a relationship with your twin brother. I guess it's true, you do love yourself,"

"You leave Kaoru out of this you bitch," Hikaru seethes glaring as I bite back a grin, rolling my eyes, "Why are you here anyway?!"

"And everyone knows that when you start swearing, you don't have any other comebacks and you don't know what to say," I tease, blowing him an apathetic kiss with a mean giggle as his eyes twitch when I turn around and head toward the door, "Poor poor Hikaru, no girlfriend to cuddle and no soulmate to love,"

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