Can You Sweeten This Up? | Honey x Reader (Request)

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This is a request by -Galaxya-

Honey x Reader

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Your POV

Distant chatter waffles through the air of the café, bringing the establishment to life as tired business workers trudge in, ordering their regular large coffee with a shot of espresso on the side, while curious and determined teenagers order lattes or cappuccinos or iced coffees, trying to see what a shot of coffee tasted like, trying to see if they can get their last shred of homework done. Sometimes, you get the busy body mothers with a waddling toddler in reins and a little bawling baby in a prat ordering cakes and cookies for their children to keep them quiet. The bitter aroma of coffee wafts through the air as coffee upon coffee is made, the odd tea going out for the odd elderly couples wandering in for a quick slice.

With a small smile, I greet upcoming customers, taking in their order with a skip in my step, my hair messily thrown into a ponytail from my late getup this morning. The sweet smell of cake enters my nose as I slice a piece of cheesecake, laying it on a small plate as my co worker begins sorting out their hot beverages. Ignoring the fact that the man in front of the counter was impatiently tapping his foot on the floor, clearly irritated, perhaps from work, we both smile sweetly his way as he hand him his order, both of us exchanging exasperated glances as he turns on his heels after snatching the cheesecake and coffee from our hands. We couldn't say anything...

Trying to maintain a positive attitude in these environments was always vital, if something goes wrong, whether it be our fault or the customers fault, we had to maintain a positive outlet. If we even appeared to be negative, it always made the situation worse, as well as getting complaints upon complaints. So we had to be happy, or seem it at least, to brighten up our customers day.

Suddenly, everyone's attention turns to the doors as six handsome boys, who appear to be rather rich, walk in, with an annoyed Haruhi in tow. Giggling softly, I send her a friendly smile as she practically sprints toward me, apologetically smiling back as she studies the menu before turning to the six boys. Each of their eyes fixated on the menu above bar one who's eyes instantly dived for the cakes behind the glass screen.

"Haru - chan!" He calls out, tugging at her dress, "Can I have a cake? Pretty please?"
"Have whatever you want," Haruhi replies rolling her eyes as she orders her usual, "I'm not paying for you,"

The little blondes eyes light up as he pushes his face up to the glass like a child staring into a toy shop as he studies each one, his mouth salivating. It was as if he was lost for choice. His eyes constantly moving from one cake to another, debating which one to have, strawberry or chocolate, a brownie or a millionaire shortbread, a chocolate cookie or a gingerbread man. Behind him, stood a stall dark haired male, watching him closely.

"So, you going to introduce me to your boyfriends?" I tease, giggling as Haruhi's right eyebrow twitches in annoyance as I make her coffee, "I didn't realise you needed that many,"
"They're not my boyfriends," she groans, thanking me as I hand her the drink, sighing happily as she takes a sip, "They're just my friends,"
"Wow, what a interestingly decorated establishment," The tall blonde states grasping his hands at his chest making Haruhi groan, "For a common café, it seems rather cosier than any of the places I've been to,"
"Stop calling things that aren't expensive common," Haruhi berates glaring toward the male making whine and disappear into a corner, "Thats rude and insensitive to the staff that work here!"

Arching a brow toward Haruhi, she, once again, sends me an apologetic smile before heading toward the table in the corner, pulling the blonde away from his mushroom growing (what on Earth) and pushes one of the iced lattes infront of him, forcing him to drink it.

My attention turns to the remaining two, my co workers tending to the other three males, smiling softly at the small boy who was still gawking at the cakes. Clearing my throat, I catch the boys attention, his large brown eyes staring up at me sending me a friendly smile. Now, properly looking at the boy, a small blush begins crawling across my cheeks. He was absolutely adorable. He had gorgeous honey - blonde hair with large browns eyes, seeming to be younger than he looked.

"What can I get you?" I ask twirling my hair around my finger, leaning over the counter, "What would you like to have?"
"Hmm," he begins, holding an adorable pink stuffed bunny to his chest as he spares one last glance at the cakes, "Can I have a strawberry cake? Ooh! And a chocolate cake! I want a brownie too! And a millionaire shortbread!"
"Mitsukuni," his taller friend berates him bluntly chasing a small pout from the latter, "You can have two of what you've asked for,"
"Fine, Takashi," he whines pouting, "I would like the strawberry cake and the millionaire shortbread,"
"What drink would you like to go with it?" I ask smiling softly, my legs beginning to feel weak as flowers begin to pop around his head as he smiles at me
"I would like a strawberry smoothie," he replied hugging his bunny close

Nodding happily, I begin sorting his order out, the tall male simply ordering a white coffee. Placing the soft slice of cake in the centre of a small place while doing the same with the millionaire shortbread. I place both plates upon the counter, giggling at the blonde salivating at the sight of the sweet treats before pouring the smoothie into a tall glass, topping it off with whipped cream and a cherry on-top with a swirly straw poking out of it. Smiling, I place that down before pouring the coffee into one of the mugs, pouring milk into it, shaping it into a tree before setting that down, informing them of their payment.

"You're really pretty," The small blonde randomly points out as I am given the money chasing a small stutter from my lips
"I - Oh, thank you so much," I reply sending him a warm smile as I hand the taller male change, "That's really sweet of you,"
"Maybe, can we go out for cake another day?" He asks, looking down at his feet, watching them as he kicks at the floor shyly, "Like a date?"
"I'd love to," I reply kissing his forehead softly causing his cheeks to flush red, "I'm free on Saturday, I finish here at around three,"
"Yay!" He cheers making me giggle softly, "I'm Honey by the way,"
"(Y/n)," I reply smiling softly as I write my phone number on a napkin, handing it to him with a giggle as he holds it close to his chest

With a final wave, Honey skips over to Haruhi and the other boys, a huge goofy grin plastered across his face as Takashi follows him, holding the food and drinks. Leaning on the counter, I watch Honey, smiling dreamily his way as I watch him greedily eat his cake, a childish beam protruding his face as he hums in delight at the taste. Even with the regular stream of customers flowing through, I spared a quick glance at them before turning my attention back to Honey... I met the guy for like ten minutes and I'm already falling for him.

As I hand another customer their cake and coffee, unexpectedly, honey bounces up to me holding Takashi's coffee, a wide grin plastered across his face as he pushes it back onto the counter, slyly poking it my way with a giggle.

"Is something wrong with it, Honey - Senpai?" I ask, genuinely concerned, as he smiles, "Does he want another one?"
"No," Honey replies giggling, looking to Haruhi who sends him a thumbs up before turning to face me, "Takashi would like some sugar in it,"
"Oh," I reply relieved, smiling softly, "There's sugar over there by the mixers,"
"I don't want to use that," he says before poking it my way again, "Dip your finger in it, that should sweeten it up!"

My words couldn't form as I stare wide eyed at the giggling teenager, my whole face burning with heat as I cover my face in my face, shaking my head with a high pitched whine. I could hear Haruhi giggling to herself while my co workers awed and playfully pushed me around with a giggle. Teasing me over the fact that I managed to pull someone by working at this café. Gulping softly, I gently dip my finger in the coffee before taking it out, blushing as Honey beams my way before skipping back to Takashi, his legs swinging as he sits on his chair.

Oh my goodness, he was adorable!...

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Note : I'm so sorry I haven't done it sooner as I've been on a long hiatus and you've probably forgotten about it but I hope you love it regardless

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