Praise | Tamaki x Reader Lemon (Reqeust)

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This is a request by Jack_Frostypants8

Tamaki x Reader lemon where the reader is upset about their weight and Tamaki makes them feel better

Disclaimer : Contains sexual content! Please read at your own discretion! Don't like, don't read!

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Your POV

Sighing gently, I look toward the plate full of food before me. Guilt eating away at my brain as I slowly push away the plate, gulping nervously as I send a small smile toward my blonde boyfriend who looks toward me worried slightly. The blonde male still eating his dinner with a small hum, his blue eyes full of concern as I place my hands underneath my thighs. Forcing myself to stop eating as my brain begins to pick me apart, piece by piece. My stomach whining and groaning for me to eat more than I already have.

Ignoring the feeling of guilt and anxiety gnashing away at my person, I send a small smile toward my boyfriend who gives one look toward my plate and shakes his head. I could see the cogs turning in his brain. The male wasn't happy. A prominent frown begins to overshadow his usually chipper features making my stomach coil uncomfortably...

After all, it wasn't the first time this has happened...

Clearing my throat anxiously, I push myself up from the dining room, trying to ignore my boyfriend's worried eyes as I turn around and push my way out of the dining room. Ignoring my boyfriend calling out my name as I wipe my eyes gently, sniffling gently as my stomach wails hungrily, clawing at my skin to try and yank me back toward the dining room. A sigh leaving my lips as I walk into my bedroom, shutting the door behind me and slumping onto my bed with a small whimper.

Why was it so hard?...

Before I could curl up into my bed, letting myself wallow in my thoughts, the door opens making me huff under my breath. My boyfriend walking in. The male holding my uneaten plate in his hands. His blue eyes full of worry as he sets it down on my nightstand and sits by my curled up form. The male running his fingers through my hair as I look up at him with a sigh, a groan leaving his lips as he holds a forkful of food before my lips.

"Come on baby... please eat a bit more..." he says gently, rubbing my cheek as I look away from him, trying to ignore the aching feeling in my stomach, my stomach beginning to twist uncomfortably, "You hardly touched your food... it's the fifth day that you've eaten less than half..."

"I'm fine Tamaki..." I groan out, sighing as he sets the fork down and looks toward me, his blue eyes full of seriousness as he takes my hands in his and kisses them gently, "I don't wanna talk about it..."

"Baby... please... I want you to feel comfortable to talk about things with me," Tamaki says, running my fingers through my hair as I stare up at him nervously, taking a deep breath as I look away, "We've been together for nearly two years now... whatever it is that's bothering you, we can figure it out,"

"I — I'm fine Tama..." I stutter, cursing under my breath at my stuttering, whining as my boyfriend pouts adorably toward me, his eyes shimmering pleadingly, "Tamaki... don't you dare,"

Without a word, his shoulders slump over and he slinks himself against the wall, pulling his knees to his chest as he looks toward our pet cat who's curled up in a ball by his feet. The male gently strokes the cat before looking toward me with his lips pursed and his eyes sparkling. Despite my protests, he was doing what I didn't want him to do.

His puppy eyes that are reluctant to say no to!

Huffing to myself, I look away from my boyfriend, trying to imagine that my boyfriend isn't there trying to guilt me into giving in. His puppy eyes were always hard to say no to! Even Kyoya would break under them! And Kyoya is like a wall of stone with barbed wire! Tensing my shoulders, I look back toward my boyfriend who's puppy eyes have gotten even more compelling making me groan. My brain screaming at me to just give in and tell him before he hurts his eyes. God he's a brat sometimes!

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