It's Not Fair | Mori x Male!Reader (Request)

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This is a request by randomnamenottaken

Can you do more male reader oneshots? I would like a Mori x Male reader. Can you make the reader a new member of the club and Mori crushes hard on him (or vice versa)?

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Your POV

A small nervous swirl of anxiety bubbles away in my stomach as I stand beside Tamaki. The blonde speaking toward his friends while I fiddle with my nails. My eyes looking around the rather expensively decorated music room full of lavish velvet couches that seemed to sink whenever someone sat down to cuddle them. A small smile on my lips when I look toward the tables full to the brim of cakes that I could dig into all day, my tastebuds watering at the sheer delicious sight of the food.

With everything going on recently, exams piling up and revision choking my brain with every living second, I needed some time where I could just be myself. Time that I could use to just relax and socialise instead of panicking over what I know and what I don't know. It's just so I could have time to myself, time that I don't spend on work or revision or flash cards or mind maps or my mom telling me to do well.

Which is why I'm here at the Host Club being appointed as a new host by Tamaki who is more than happy to have me a part of the much loved club.

After being begged to time and time again, I finally caved in. Tamaki, for ages, has wanted me to be a part of the club ever since it came into play. He believes, this is his words not mine, that I'll attract much more attention than the others because I'm something that the girls can't exactly have. According to him girls like what they can't have? I didn't realise that is the case... after all, I'm not really interested in girls in the first place. I'd rather stick with guys, they're so much easier to be around.

As Tamaki babbles to the boys in front of him, my eyes look toward them to finally see who I'll be spending most of my time with. Being a part of the host club is now a huge commitment that I have to be extremely devoted to. So it's only fair that I get to know each host that I'll be spending my time with. That way it's easier to know who I'd rather hang around with instead of spending time with someone that I really don't want to.

Clearing my throat nervously, I look toward the five boys and one girl sitting down in front of the pair of us making me smile nervously. My eyes landing firstly on the set of twins with auburn hair and bright chocolate eyes who I already know as the Hitachiin twins (Hikaru and Kaoru). Beside Hikaru, sat Kyoya (someone I had already met and got along with) who sat with a calculator in his lap and a clipboard covered with finances of the host club. Then, beside Kaoru, sat Haruhi who seemed rather unimpressed about Tamaki interrupting her during her work.

As my eyes slide toward the two on the edge of the couch. Well, the little blonde cuddling on the end of the couch while the taller male stood nearby, leaning against the wall behind him. I couldn't help but smile and bite my lip when I look over the taller male. My eyes raking over his form while I silently perv over him, biting my lip and digging my teeth into the flesh of my lower lip. My loins stirring slightly at the sight of him.

Whoever he is, he is very fine~

He had midnight black hair that I would just love to tangle my finger in. Soft brown eyes that I just wanted to stare at me night and day, wanting him to look at me and undress me with just his eyes to make me feel under his spell. His lips were plump and extremely kissable. Something that I want to press my lips against and just let him unravel me from the top down.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2021 ⏰

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