But He's A Jock... Kyoya x Male!Jock!Reader Lemon (Request)

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This is a request by ThatLonelyWeeb

Can you do Kyoya x Male!Jock!Dom!Reader lemon?
The reader is the lacrosse jock of the school and Tamaki sets them up after Kyoya admits that he likes him. Jock reader takes him to dinner and they get drunk as balls and fuck

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Your Pov

A cheer flies through the air as the final whistle blows. Ouran High School had won, yet another, lacrosse game! Our bleachers were raving, cheering loudly while our cheerleaders went crazy, squealing as my team rush over, high - fiving the squealing fans. I knew, for at least two weeks, the lacrosse team were going to be at the top of the popularity ladder, just because our school won the championship lacrosse league. Being the caption of the team, I had to shake hands with the other, bidding them a good game, telling them that it was just bad luck but they tried their best... to be honest, we only won by two or three points.

With a smile, I walk over to my bleachers, walking over to my 'fans'. Girls suddenly flock around me, like chickens wanting to be fed by its owner, holding onto my arms giggling, squealing. A couple of them fighting over me, making a small smile crawl upon my face. It's not like this happens rarely, it happens all the time. Girls suddenly flock around me, since I'm a jock and I'm hot, wanting to date me. Unfortunately for them, I'm not into girls, I'm more into guys.

"Hey, (Y/n), wanna hang out at the bar tonight?" One girl asks, leaning against my arm, looking up at me dreamily, "My little treat,"

Before I could answer, Tamaki Suoh, the owner and self - proclaimed king of the Host Club, pushes through the girls, sending them all his signature smile making them blush. I arch my brow as he pulls, or more specifically drags, a black haired, glasses - wearing boy... None other than Kyoya Ootori. The level - headed nerd that is more or less at the top of his classes, many people despise him while many people adore him. To be honest, he's alright.

"Sorry ladies but I'm afraid he's having dinner with Kyoya at a nearby pub," Tamaki says, pushing Kyoya my way a blush crawling up on the boys face, "I've already booked them a table and they have to go,"
"Um... don't I get a say in this?" I ask crossing my arms
"Nope! Now off you both go, you crazy lovebirds!" Tamaki swoons pushing us away, making us groan soflty
"I have to get changed first," I tell him making Kyoya blush soflty, being unusually quiet, "Hey... you okay?"
"Huh?... Uh yeah," Kyoya says avoiding eye contact with me, "Go get changed then, the sooner we go, the sooner we can leave,"

A small chuckle escapes my lips as I head into the locker rooms, a small smile crawling up my face as Kyoya silently waits outside, his silhouette nearby the dimmed window. My teammates immediately flood into the room, high - fiving each other, slapping each other on the back with a laugh. A couple of them nod my way while others congratulate me on getting the final win. Once dressed, I walk over to Kyoya, smilimg.

"Ready to go?" I ask wrapping an arm around his shoulders, a prominent blush crawling up his face
"Yes," he says nodding, "Ready as ever,"
"You okay?" I ask concerned, "You're not usually like this,"
"I'm fine," he says smiling soflty

Nodding, I walk with him to the nearby pub, arching a brow at Kyoya as he blushes soflty. We walk in, smiling soflty at the usual typical pub decor, the usual moose head or fish hanging up on the wall or some posters with quotes about beer on. The usual country - styled wooden decor. Kyoya looks around smiling while I tell the lady at the door the booking details.

Ouran High School Host Club x Reader Oneshots/LemonsWhere stories live. Discover now