My Locket | Hikaru x Sister!Reader x Kaoru (Request)

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This is a request by Sonougeandmore

Hey would you mind making a Hikaru and Kaoru x Long Lost Sister! Reader?
The storyline could be Hikaru and Kaoru never knew that they had a younger sister until they meet Reader - chan in school without knowing she's their long lost younger sister. How they would find out is the three were given a charm and when the charms all stick together it makes a heart so they somehow find out from their dad that reader - chan is their sister, not by looks but by blood and the charm

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Your POV

An irritated groan escapes my lips, my friend, Ichika, drags me through the school corridors by my wrist, an excited giggle erupting from her lips. Ignoring my countless protests, she pulls me along, pushing innocent students out of her way with minimal effort. Her long black hair swaying with every joyful step she takes, muttering to herself how brilliant she was for coming up with this idea. Groaning, I stab at another useless attempt, trying to wriggle my wrist free of her iron clasp, whining as she tightens, sending her a frustrated glare to which she laughs, yanking me toward her as if I was a toddler struggling against reins.

Unfortunately, for me anyway, today was the day I was born. Yes, today, (birth date), was my birthday. Another day filled with empty cheers and birthday cards from relatives that I don't even know. A day that should be, and could be, full of fun. However, when your best friend, who you trust practically all your secrets with, decides to go against all of your wishes to not celebrate me gaining another year on my life and practically drags you through the corridor like a rag doll, telling you she has a surprise and that I'm going to 'love it', irritation and frustration begin to surface.

Much to my best friends dismay, I absolutely despised celebrating my birthday. Hating the day that I was born wasn't really a good look on you but hey, we're all entitled to our own opinion. It was due to the fact that, on my fifth birthday, my whole life changed. My aunt, had proposed an idea to my parents. Even though my birth parents are like, stinking rich, to begin with they were struggling ever so slightly already looking after my older brothers (who I never actually got to meet). My aunt offered to take me under her wing, train me to be her apprentice, to follow in her footsteps of becoming a fashion designer or model. Eagerly, they accepted, however they didn't realise that I'd have to move to a different country and never see them again for the rest of my life.

So yeah, happy birthday, me!

Suddenly, I'm ripped away from my subconscious as I crash into Ichika's back, groaning softly. She giggles, helping me to my feet before gesturing to the door, her hands shaking in a 'ta da' like way. Arching a brow, I cross my arms, sighing softly.

"You got me a door?" I ask biting back a laugh, "Is this seriously your brilliant idea?"
"No! I didn't get you a door!" She huffs crossing her arms like a toddler being put in time out, "The surprise is behind the door!"
"Alright, did you get me a room?" I ask arching a brow
"Just open the door!" She yells shaking my arm excitedly

Rolling my eyes, I slowly push the door open, red rose petals flying out of the room and resting gently on the floor as Ichika and I walk in. Looking around, I arch a brow as my eyes land on seven boys. Each of them dressed in some sort of kimono. Looking toward Ichika, confused and a bit disturbed, I glare slightly chasing a giggle from her lips.

She hired me the damn host club?!

"Welcome," they all say in unison which, not going to lie, freaked me out
"What the hell did you do?" I ask looking toward a giggling Ichika
"Surprise!" She says thrusting her hands in the air as she jumps up, "I bought you time with the host club! You get the whole day with them! Isn't that amazing!"
"No!" I reply turning to her, hitting her head lightly chasing a whine from her, "You know I don't like this sort of thing!"
"Ah, (Y/n) - chan," The ringleader, Tamaki Suoh, sings as he leans forward, his hand on his chin, staring at me with a welcoming yet flirtatious smile, "How do you know if you don't like it, if you've never tried it?"

Ouran High School Host Club x Reader Oneshots/LemonsWhere stories live. Discover now